Kris Skrutvold - Physics Department
Taipei American School
Curriculum content will be selected with the realization that
science is continuously and rapidly progressing both in breadth
and depth. The content of the course offered is continuously going
to be revised. The emphasis of all courses is on providing ample
opportunity for search and discovery, for it is through personal
experience in the scientific method that the students best develop
an understanding for it. The combined experience in all schools
is in excess of 20 years. Participation of in summer institutes
at the local, national and international level have greatly increased
professional science development.
The quality of science education is determined in part by the
quality, preparation and overall workload of its teachers. Without
the provision of adequate budgets, facilities and support services
development of a superior science program only at best, is mediocre.
Science teachers must do many different things, and do them well,
in order to create an optimum setting for good science teaching
and learning. One essential component of science education is
student involvement in science experiences and activities. Teachers
and administrators must be aware that student involvement doesn't
just happen. It will only occur if professional development and
growth opportunities are available to stimulate teachers' expertise.
Teachers must seek out such opportunities to expand and enhance
their professionalism. Regardless of assets, the science program
in individual schools cannot be strong without some important
elements, as the following indicate:
1. A broad appealing science program from Pre K - 12 which is
not totally dependent on advanced mathematics, so that all students
so inclined can benefit
2. Laboratory activities, which students will get the hands-on
experiences that will enhance and ensure the conceptual understanding
of sometimes difficult content
3. Appropriate opportunities for special needs and gifted students
to develop their scientific abilities through special projects
and activities
4. Support from within the school for professional growth that
will enable teachers to remain vigorous and current in their own
personal knowledge
5. Working conditions must be such that the teachers, as well
as the students needs are being fulfilled.
Again the Goals/Objectives:
To utilize local talent
and expertise to allow for cooperative efforts to enhance the
science curriculum
To provide a link in
curriculum and communication between all science educators in
our school
To expand the conceptual
methodology for the enhanced level of interest of science for
all teachers and students
To continually work
on the practical skills as a result of on- going scientific activity
Provide the necessary
experiences for students to apply knowledge and skills in order
to generate new knowledge
To generate an awareness
of the impact of science in our society, so preparing for life-long
To develop an appreciation
for simple natural phenomena, scientific attitudes, objectivity,
inquiring spirit, initiative and inventiveness
To present a variety
of experiences that will exhibit the fundamental laws of nature
and bring some order into the mass of observations of the natural
To create the awareness
and appreciation of these natural laws in our daily lives along
with their interrelationships