Following the Parent night activities, a continued communication process will be maintained with the students and parents which will set the stage for ongoing dialogue to be utilized throughout the program. The activities will be integrated within the institution framework so continued cooperation and interaction among students and faculty can be enhanced. The accomplishments will be based on numerous methods, such as, what is indicated by surveys, written evaluations, group discussions, individualized interaction, interviews with those involved, and based on our own reflections. A variety of these tools will be used to arrive at the indicators of success which will be written in a final project report, example, survey results and comments. It is my belief that those involved will clearly indicate the success and impact of the program in meeting the stated goals. Some of those goals are stated below:

1. increased understanding of related physics topics
2. exposure to and use of demosntration and hands-on activities
3. increased awareness of the interrelationships of physics and technology
4. the use of cooperative learning
5. increased confidence and enthusiasm in their own learning

Those involved should provide the constructive dialogue and expressed thoughts about all aspects of the program. The overall evaluation should indicate that the goals of the program were attained and that the commitment to sharing science was successful. My approach is to provide a balanced mix of activities and numerous opportunities for all involved to comment and improve the program that are appropriate. Ongoing communication will be a necessity, so as to, make changes or modifications as needed for the benefit of all. This time will also allow for ongoing internal evaluations, dissemination of materials, progress reports, and overall impact of the program.