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Oh sheesh!  I am blushing! 

You ACTUALLY came in here to learn about me!  WOW!  :)

Well, I am 32 years old, born 9-7.  OHMIGAWD!!!!!  A VIRGO!!! LOL!

I am also a natural redhead, who is now has lots-o-grey that she bleached-blonde highlights, well. actually  Julia Kornhowen, my hairdresser, does this ( I call her Julia Kornholio)  to  help cover it up!  :) 

My dear sweet daddy has said for years that redheads are just blondes with attitude.

  Attitude,  I do have!  :)  Daddy's are ALWAYS right!  LOL!

I was born in OKC, OK, tornado capital of the world.  I grew up in a little hick town of Mustang, Oklahoma and at the ripe old-know-it-all age of 17, I entered the United States Marine Corps.  OOO RAH!  (USMC pics/memorabilia can be found here)  I was lucky enough (NOT) to spend my entire stint in the corps in armpit of the the US....MCAS Yuma, Arizona.  GAWD it sucked there. I was an Aircraft Firefighter.   Talk about a sexist MOS!  OH MY!  I was married at a young age, 21, but I thought I knew everything about everything!  LOL!  Don't all 21 year olds?   A couple of months later,  I was pregnant with my first child.....a son.   I was thrilled!  Michael David was born 3-7-88

After I did my "time", we moved to my home state and resided in OKC.  I began managing a dog grooming salon, The Polished Pet in OKC.  I became pregnant with my second child.......a son.  I found  out ON my birthday I was pregnant!  This was the best birthday present he ever gave me!!!  Riley Thomas was born 5-15-90

While I was pregnant with Riley, the ex-hole (that is how I refer to him now.... hey, it IS nicer than  calling him a dick head ya know!) lost his job.  He then wanted to move to his home town of Portland, Oregon.  He thought the "job market" would be better there.   NOT! 

We moved in with his controlling, manipulative, toothless, cheap-ass mom.  I HATED Portland.  It rained all the damn time!  GRRRR!  We lived with his mother until a couple of weeks after Riley was born.  She kept the house so cold....refused to turn on the heat although we were paying for half of it!~~God forbid if she had to order oil for the furnace more than once every 3 years!!!

Riley began to become severely jaundice, and would not nurse or take a bottle.  This newborn could not keep his body temperature up, eat, or thrive in a house that was constantly 55-60 degrees!  We left.....screw that!

We did not stay in Oregon long.  I hated it.  I delivered the Oregonian (the daily paper there).  I was up all day with a 2  year old and a nursing infant, and up all night because of my job.  On the "lucky" days, I got about 3 hours of sleep.......and NO .......not all at once.  He managed a Kentucky Fried Chicken.  He left, well rested at 9 am and seldom arrived home before 11  p.m.  I had to be at work at 2 am.  I never slept!! (He did...plenty of sleep...... by himself.....and he "slept" (LMAO) with his employees who were under age minors)

Upon finding a little note in the glove box of his car, where one of his 16 year old employees graphically wrote about giving him "head" in the walk in cooler, I lost it!!!!!  DUH!!!!!!!!   Who wouldn't?????

  I made arrangements to move back to OKC with or without the ex-hole.  He came with me.

Back in OKC, we only lasted for a few months. He was managing a Taco Bell (same Corporation...same 'sleeping' with kiddies pattern) I was miserable with him!  So, I was  divorced in 1991...infidelity did not set well with me for some reason.......?????  The only good that ever came out of that lousy marriage, were my wonderful kids, and for that, I will be forever grateful.

I wanted something different for my life so in 1992, I moved to Tucson, Arizona.  I had loved the weather in Arizona.  I just did not particularly care for Yuma!  LOL!

  So I moved to Tucson.  I hated snow, ice, cold, and tornadoes, which you definitely get in OKC!   I have been here ever since.  I LOVE IT! (However, the snow on Easter Sunday of 99 was  bit odd! ~~No  I am not crazy! Pictorial proof located here)

I started Nursing school here and was working at St. Joseph's Hospital.  I had to leave the nursing field, because I could NOT handle working with all those nit-picking-back-stabbing-bitches at the hospital.  No offense, but 1st shift would complain that 3rd shift did not do anything.  2nd shift would complain that 1st shift did not do anything.  3rd shift would complain that 2nd shift did not do anything.  Then why didn't ALL our patients die?  This was crazy! 

I changed my major to Business Administration/Accounting. I tried to sit at a desk and push pencils, but I needed to have contact with people, not a terminal and fluorescent lighting!

I then began managing a Circle K. (it is a convenience store for those of you who are like, "What in the hell is a Circle K?")

In 1995, I met this awesome looking guy.  Tim.  He came into the store where I was "training" as a manager for Circle K.  Sheesh.....and did he have a nice ass!  WOO HOO!!

I saw him, in passing a few times, at managers meetings or what not, and just kept looking at him, thinking, "WOW!  THIS GUY IS HOT!"

March 16, 1996 was our first official "encounter".  No!!!!  You are such a perv......we did not have sex!  Shame on you for even thinking that!  We  "dated" for 2 weeks before we even KISSED!!!!!!! (yea......I had to start that!  LOL)

We both were at a "promotion" for Circle K.  All the managers in our district had to "volunteer" (we are salaried, Thank You!  LOL) our  time to pump gasoline for the customers and clean windshields, and all the "good stuff" you remember from the "olden days" of  going to a full service gas station!  My mentor and I were on pump 6 and Tim was at pump 4.   Ahhhhhhh......such bliss I had while watching him lean over the engine  checking oil.......as I was checking out his ass..........Oh gosh!

Sorry.....  **wicked evil grin**. 

Anyway.  Tim and I ended up in Profit and Loss classes together for a week......and we sat opposite each other for the whole 5 days.  Oh......How I had to resist playing "footsies" with him!   **snicker**

After a couple of days into P&L classes, we "carpooled" the drive with another manager....his mentor....... in Tim's little 2 seater pickup.  I was stuck in the middle  ( LOL I LOVED  IT!!!!!) 

Tim would take the "curvy road" home and I  eventually  ended up "sliding into him"   Oh man.....did my heart ever beat so wildly??????

A day or two into P&L class, I received my "store assignment".  Oh sheesh!!!!  I couldda shit my pants!!!!!!  I got the WORST store in the division!!!! (of 121 stores!)

I called him the night of my assignment.  He offered to go "spy" on the store with me. 

Ahhhhh......our  first date!  LMAO!

After that......we were inseparable......a few weeks later.....he  moved in.  

OH MY!!!!!!  A relationship again!!!!!!!!!

What was  I to do.............?????

Well, here we are over 3 years later.  We are getting married October 16, 1999.


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Last update: 11/14/99

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