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Simcoe County Branch


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Applied Verbal Behaviour

Applied Verbal Behavior (AVB), a specialty within the field of
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).   AVB is based upon B.F.
Skinner's 1957 analysis of verbal behavior, which looks at the
functions of the different verbal operants (units of language).

Applied Verbal Behaviour addresses difficulties in the
development of communication seen in most individuals with
autism and other related disabilities, in part by emphasizing
functional language and tying it to motivational variables. 
AVB has yielded dramatic outcomes for many students and
has recently been popularized through the successes of certain
professionals, notably Drs. Sundberg, Partington, Carbone,
McGreevy, Michael, et al.

The behavioral analysis of language separates the components
of language into several verbal operants which enables us to
more specifically target language deficits and ensure that a
student is utilizing language in its functional context. This
conceptual framework for language classification is well known
to many in the field of behavior analysis; however, it is seldom
seen in intervention programs.

This format utilizes successful teaching strategies in order to
maintain a high level of positive reinforcement - this leads to a
student who is motivated to respond to instruction. This
teaching involves creativity and flexibility in order to move
with the student's motivational variables.  Instructors must be
skilled in order to accommodate this flexibility while continuing
to target the necessary skills which are the focus of the
particular student's curriculum - each student
s curriculum is
a unique program.  We stress that a student's learning must be
fun and motivating to all involved.  This is achieved by refining
the skills of those providing instruction in order to maximize
learning opportunities based on the student's motivation.


The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills

This assessment instrument provides a precise measurement
of a student's existing skills and the conditions under which the
skills are being utilized. It provides the foundation for the
development of a student's curriculum by isolating specific skills
which prevent a student from acquiring new skills. The ABLLS
is also an instant tracking system to continually measure learning
achievements. Ongoing data collection ensures that a student's
skills are, in fact, being acquired and learned.


Suggested Reading

Teaching Language to Children with Autism or Other
Developmental Disabilities,
Sundberg & Partington

ABLLS - The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning,
Sundberg & Partington


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Copyright © 2003 Autism Society Ontario - Simcoe County Branch
Last modified: February 02, 2003