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Intensive Behavioural Intervention

This term refers to an intensive treatment model based on the principles of ABA.  In this context, intensive implies one to one instruction for many hours every day (30 to 40 hours per week) over an extended period of time (one to three years sometimes longer).  This model makes use of discrete trial instructional format, and incorporates other behavioural strategies and procedures.  Initial skills, such as compliance and imitation, are seen as prerequisites for learning to communicate.  An expanded curriculum and more complex responses lead to the ultimate goal of integration with peers. 

IBI is often used in reference to the early intervention model developed at UCLA by O.Ivar Lovaas, Ph.D.  The IBI model has been adopted for use in many autism programs across the country where the procedures may be modified to some extent to match the philosophy and resources of the specific program.  (See also Applied Behavioural Analysis)

The Ontario Provincial Government now funds ABA/IBI to preschool age children ages 2 to 6 through The Ministry of Community and Social Services although the wait for this service is upwards of 18 months.


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Copyright © 2003 Autism Society Ontario - Simcoe County Branch
Last modified: February 02, 2003