David Von Erich
Wrestler: David Von Erich
Real Name: David Atkinson
Birthday: July 22,1958
Hometown: Denton, Texas
Marital Status: Married at time of Death
Height & Weight: 6'7" - 235lbs
Trained by: Fritz von Erich
Debut: 1978
Finishing Move: The Claw
Favorite Moves:
Also Known As: The Yellow Rose of Texas
Notable Feuds: The Caveman
Bill Berger
Larry Zbyszko
Johnny Valiant
Jim Garvin
Harley Race
# NWA (World Class) Texas Tag Team titles (2);
# NWA (World Class) American Tag Team title;
# NWA (World Class) World Tag Team titles;
# NWA (World Class) 6-Man Tag Team titles (2);
# World Class Texas Heavyweight title (6);
# All Japan All-Asian Tag Team titles;
# NWA (All Japan) United National Heavyweight title;
# NWA Southern Heavyweight title;
# (Florida) North American Tag Team title w/Dory Funk;
# Florida Television title;
# NWA Missouri Heavyweight title;
# NWA World Tag Team title;
# David von Erich became the first von Erich brother to become a wrestler and was voted 3rd place for rookie of the year..
# August 15, 1977: Harley Race (NWA World Champion) wrestled David von Erich to a 30:00 time limit draw!
# February 10, 1984: David von Erich (25) was found dead in Japan, the victim of acute enteritis, a severe inflamation
of the intestines..
# David von Erich was given a hero's send off complete with a song entitled "Heaven Needed a Champion"..
# Conspiracy theorists feel that the Enteritis cause of death was a cover and David actually died of a drug overdose but
thats not true, davids stomach ruptured in the middle of the night, bill irwin was the last too see david before he called
his wife. david had not been feeling well before he left for japan & his Grandmother didn't want him too go but he had
this obligation too wrestle because the vonerichs were very big in japan. it was not a drug overdose or any of that, it was
an accident!!!!!!
Special Thanks To www.obsessedwithwrestling.com for the imformation ( thanks Brad )