Poem & Feelings Page
Poem That Anna Wrote / Feelings

I've added this poem on this page, as I thought this would
fit right in with what I talk about.
Anna wrote this in her English Class, and turned it it
December 22, 1998. They were writing poetry, and it
just came to mind today.

*******************Deep Feeling From Within!***************

The Fear Within by: Anna

Why am I afraid?
Does anyone know the way I feel?
Or are they all acting?
Does anyone know the pain I feel?
Or do they believe they do?
Are you the one that blames me?
Can you ever understand what I fear?

This poem is one of many that she wrote for that class.
On the back of each page, they were to write the reasoning
for writing it. This is what Anna wrote:

"The fear within is basically about my foot. I wrote it, because I wanted to let you know that I sometimes can be just as afraid as anyone else can. I also wrote about my foot, to show that no matter what, I'm not ashamed of what I have in it."

Another Poem Anna wrote in the same assignment was:

My Colors of Feeling

I think of myself most of the time
as being fluorescent green-
lively and happy
laughing and bouncy,
joking around with family and friends,
and enjoying life.

But sometimes deep inside
I'm a pale pink-
sky and bashful
coward and scared,
sometimes not knowing how to act
around people and shaking when a cute guy talks to me.

Even though they're very different,
they both describe me
Then other days I feel like a fire red-
full of anger and total hatred,
wanting people to leave me alone and
stay completely away from me.

There are also days that I feel like a dark blue-
totally sad and the feeling of being alone,
thinking no one cares what I think
and feeling like I'm the only one
that can't have an opinion.

But so far, today I'm
fluorescent green.

Her response on the back of the page was:

"This poem is pretty much about the colors that describe the ways I feel sometimes. Unlike anyone else, mine to me are different, because those are just a couple of colors that I think describe me. I feel that by writing this poem, it helped me bring those colors out from me even more.

It is sad to me to see her writing these. Now, on a better
note, Anna writes alot of happy poetry. She has her own
notebook, along with her artbook. Anna loves to draw,
and it is a way to bring out the more positive things SHE CAN DO. This is one thing that I focused on with the school. I wanted them to use a negative problem, and compensate with a positive. Unfortunately, there was no
room for Anna in the art class.

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