My View / My Opinion Page
My Opinion / My View

Hi Again! As you are probably aware by now, if you frequent this page is that this page changes alot. This page is my views on recent events. Be looking for my future comments on "Hurt Feelings". I have quite alot to say on that issue!
The other day, I picked up the newspaper, and read that Mr. Notto was retiring. It didn't shock me, as rumors were flying all year, but then a couple of ideas came to mind. I just wondered if Notto was eyeing up the Superintendant position. Not that I would be surprised, because all along, I had my suspicions as to his interest in that direction. He seems to Run the school anyways. Then, I read down through the article. I read the part about the Labor of Love? The staying after school, the devoted employee--as stated by Tomi Boylstein, and then things started ringing a bell.
I had called Tomi when things were bad with Mr. Notto.
She promised to look into it, but you see, things never really did get looked into. In fact, I never got my call returned as promised. I guess she was just too busy with the politics. Sheila Martin, when she woke up, promised me action. She told me that the board did not take lightly what Mr. Notto did to my daughter, and that they would look into reprimanding him. (Yeah, Go back to sleep!) I heard that Mr. Whitlinger has good ideas, but the board is too busy pushing him aside to do what they want anyways. That is a shame.
When I was growing up, my parents always taught me to fight for what is right. That's common sense- right?
So, as a kid, you grow up thinking others feel that way. As I look over the last months, problems in the world, it is something how much people have let their morals fall. You see, in law, if a woman is raped, the law tells her to sit and act like nothing bothers her, even though she if dying inside. The rapist sits across from her looking like a respectable man. When children are abused, the parents are not (in our society) to show anger, as it shows they have no control---and the abuser sits looking respectable. Good God! What is this world coming to? We send our children to school, as young children that are going to mature into fine adults. We trust our schools to set examples, protect, and teach our children. When our children are sick, we trust the schools to follow doctor's orders, just as we are expected to do at home. No one ever stops to think that our children may be in danger, AND not only from other children. The recent happenings in Columbine were truly a tragedy. My heart goes out to them. As I read the papers, I was really curious in the one part where the two kids had shot up the administration office. Did anyone question why? Did anyone question why no one took the time to pay more attention to these troubled boys? No--instead they are too busy focusing on the neglect of the parents. Why doesn't everybody look at the broad picture? Is it because they are afraid of what they will find?
Getting back on my subject--We put all our trust into our schools. In my situation, Anna's teachers were fabulous with her---ALL but ONE, and he knows who he is. In fact, in Anna's English class, she gave a speech, using her foot as the prop. She showed the class her foot, explaining her condition. I knew nothing about it until after the fact. It gave a whole new outlook to her fellow students.
When I sent my daughter to school, I had no idea that she would be told to SHUT UP, go back to class, talked to about HOW not to break policies and procedures when she didn't in the first place, being taken in sound proof rooms, having her physician's called, & have her own disability used against her. Our trust in the school turned into mistrust & disbelief.
Now, as the retirement plan comes into effect, and THE MAN is getting the honors, the picture broadens.
There is a man who favored some, and they got far.
Then there is the man who put great labor into showing his power on helpless children. Abusers do not stop what they do--they thrive on it. I am quite sure there is a pattern from years prior! So, if you were the strong, the super race, congratulations. You lucked out. Then there were those....
Be looking for daily to weekly comments on this page.

***these views are strictly my own. You have a right to yours, and apparantly you were at least interested enough to read mine, or you would not be this far on the page. Thank You For Your Time.

Gwen & Annie

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