Principles of Principals
My Opinion / My View of Loss of Principles

I want to share with you a poem that I recently wrote:
It will be included in the book that I will be working on this summer!


I wonder when a person, who's colors are being seen
Lost many precious principles and turned out to be so rotten and so mean
When did it actually happen that things got out of hand
And when did people sell their morals and let the abuser rule the land

How many children got pushed aside, and how many couldn't fight it
Who forgot the precious life that was lost in the past
and who pushed the child to take it
Every child has a purpose, and every child has a right
to an education whether disabled or not, and should not have to be forced to fight

Many children struggled to just get to school, even while dealing with the pain
And many cried in silence from getting abused while others cashed in from the gain
Politics, Power, Pathetic Threats of Failing a child made you smile
You got your power, you got your thrills, but only from my child for a while

You may think that you can walk away from all those
who have suffered at your hands
And probably feel just so full of yourself without getting one reprimand
But every time someone sees you & gives you a certain look
You'll have to wonder if they saw your face or read about it in a book.

Disclaimer: This poem reflects my own personal feelings and opinions.

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