Spartan Speakers

A Toastmasters President's Distinguished Club

Toastmaster Club 2653

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 (A must read)
Toastmasters International is a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams by providing a way for them to improve their communication and leadership skills, and find the courage to change. Current Toastmasters International comprises of more than 170,0000 members in more than 8,000 clubs in more than 50 countries.

You'll improve your public speaking and leadership skills through involvement in Toastmasters. The prepared and impromptu speeches that you give, will help get you over the initial fear of public speaking and then, will further hone your skills in a supportive environment.

You will build your leadership skills when you take on positions during the meetings and/or executive positions that you hold within the club.

Toastmaster's Leadership program can be completed to improve your leadership no matter whether you are new to leadership roles or are a veteran.

There is always more to learn.

So come out, have fun, participate and grow.

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Toastmaster: Explore the Possibilities Online Award

Presented by Susan Niven, DTM PID, by the power vested in her by absolutely no one at all! If you want to nominate a site for the award, read about the criteria at Explore The Possibilities! and fill out the Nomination Form!

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The largest directory of South Carolina Information on the internet!
Last Updated January 2005

Toastmasters International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people develop communications and leadership skills through practice, feedback, and coaching in a supportive environment. The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
©2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005 Spartan Speakers Toastmasters Club. If you see something here you'd like to use, please contact us!