Why Join Toastmasters
Isn't Toastmasters a program we should share with family, friends & colleagues?
The fear of public speaking outranks the fear of death by a margin of two-to-one according to a survey reported in The Book of Lists.
Toastmasters can help. Whether you need to speak publicly for your career or personal life, to run your meetings more effectively, to lead your group more effectively, or to do some self image improvement.
Toastmasters helps you get over the fear of public speaking and teaches you how to channel that anxiety into presenting dynamic speeches that inspire your audience.
You are given all the tools necessary: Opportunities to speak publicly in a "safe" environment; educational manuals; a mentor; constructive evaluation; evaluating others; and listening to experienced speakers.
You start with the Competent Toastmasters program, a series of ten speeches. Each speech works on a different skill that progresses you from getting over your initial fear of public speaking with the "Ice Breaker", then works on organization, gestures, and props to finally reach the point of giving an inspirational speech.
Once you obtain your Competent Toastmaster designation, you can continue to obtain more advanced speaking and leadership skills. Remember that good public speaking happens with lots of practice and is maintained with practice.
Guests are always welcome! Come to a meeting and check it out at St. Paul's United Methodist Church; 1320 Fernwood-Glendale Road; Spartanburg, SC, or to a Toastmasters near you. Click Here for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a typical meeting like?
A typical meeting lasts 2 hours. The meeting begins with introductions followed by three or four manual or education speeches, Table Topics, speech evaluation, general evaluation and a short business meeting.
Table Topics gives everyone an opportunity to speak impromptu for one to two minutes on a topic chosen for the evening that may or may not be known in advance.
The business meeting addresses club administration issues and is an opportunity to learn and use parliamentary procedure.
Evaluations are made throughout all stages of the meeting in order for members to get constructive feedback.
How much does it cost?
Amounts are prorated...contact us for more information.
How often will I have to speak?
There are lots of opportunities to practice public speaking with Toastmasters. You are given the opportunity to speak for at least two minutes each meeting during the Table Topics impromptu speeches.
You will be giving your prepared speeches to complete your goal of Competent Toastmaster in the time frame you set. In addition, members rotate through the different roles needed during the meeting.
When can I start speaking?
Right away or when you feel most comfortable. At your first meeting you will be asked to introduce yourself and you will be given the opportunity to speak, impromptu, during Table Topics if you wish. You can progress at your own speed, but generally we want to schedule your first "Ice Breaker" speech in the second or third week after you join.
What credentials can I receive?
There are numerous credentials that you can achieve at Toastmasters International, Spartan Speakers Club 2653 that will benefit both your professional career and your personal life.
CTM - Competent Toastmaster
ATM - Advanced Toastmaster - Bronze, Silver, Gold
CL & AL - Competent Leader and Advanced Leader
DTM - Distinguished Toastmaster
Each designation will be explained in the introductory package that you receive when you join.
How do I get a mentor?
Once you join, you can ask the Vice President of Education to help you choose a mentor.
Toastmasters International is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping people develop communications and leadership skills through practice, feedback, and coaching in a supportive environment. The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in the United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
©2002 Spartan Speakers Toastmasters Club. If you see something here you'd like to use, please contact us!