Club Information The South Pasadena High School German Club is a unique club based on the German language, country, and culture. Traditionally, a foreign language-based club in South Pasadena High School is a small club, with the majority of its members learning that particular language. However, German Club is unique. Although the German program is dwindling and class sizes generally very small, the German Club is perhaps the most active and most successful of all the foreign-language clubs. German Club welcomes people from all classes to participate. In fact, some of our most dedicated members are taking Spanish or French. The activities throughout the year are both German-related and activities just for fun. Many people believe that all German Club members must be able to speak German. That is absolutely not the case. In fact, only a handful of members can speak or understand German. The highlight of the German Club activities is the Medieval Times trip near the end of the school year. We hope that you can join us for another magnificent year. -Nelson Wah, |