1st Evangelical Church of Spiritual Warriors for Christ

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Welcome to the Congregations Visitation Hall. This Hall of the Church is open to all as is the calling of Christ our Lord. It is our desire  to reach every corner of the world. So Invite your friends. ALL are Welcome. Please understand that this is a monitored Christian Forum. Immoral or strife causing behavior will be stricken from the board. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.

Welcome to our CHURCH SERVICES. We encourage your active participation in the the church by joining in and  adding to conversations  and relavent topics.
Just click on the button below to enter message forum.

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This is the live Forum. Where you can have discussions one on one and in real time. Please feel free to invite you friends for online chats. All are welcome. The only request I have is to remember that this is a church and to conduct yourselves accordingly. Thank you and have a wonderful time.

Note: We realize that there is a word with incorrect spelling on this page. For some reason we are unable to edit that section. We would have to rebuild the entire page and since it is not a crucial item in the matters of Christ we do not consider it to be so relevant  as to make that change at this time. Thank you for your Understanding