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Another Photo Album

Here are some more pictures that sounded like fun to put in here....


Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

This is my big sister, Jill... she don't like having her picture taken... so this is the best i've got of her... my big sis is pretty cool... she's taking me to Pittsburgh for a weekend... it's just my little sis that drives me nuts... lol...

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

Here's a pic of my family dog, Taz... nobody ever believes me that that dog is spoiled until they see something like this... usually he sits at a chair to eat his corn on the cob... but not that day i guess...

A family on vacation; Actual size=180 pixels wide

This is a pic i took from the first time my niece, Ashlyn, made cookies... that was about 2 or 3 weeks before i left for college i think.... i'm not sure though... but isn't she cute!! hehehe


Ah, yes... the dysfunctionally functional family.. lol... this picture was taken before i left for college, ya can tell because my mom don't have her blue streaks yet... she dyed blue streaks into her hair to have a "connection" with me.. because i had blue hair... anyways.. this is my family.. all posing for a web cam pic so i'd have a picture of my family... we're a goofy bunch of people... but insanity runs in the family..(i think i get it from mom and dad, they think they get it from me and Alex) so i think we're all ok.. LOL!!!


this is my dog, Molly... she don't like her picture being taken.... but still... she's a pure-bred beagle and she howls a lot... i figured since there are 2 pictures of Taz on here that i would get one of Molly to put on too.... my mom talks to the dogs, and sings to them... she sometimes calls molly "good golly, (miss molly)" which i find interesting... lol...


i don't even know what to say about this picture... i told my mom and dad to send me a pic, because dad got his hair cut, and mom died hers red.... and this is what i got... so oh well... hope they like it... hehe (they pry didn't even think i'd really put it on here... better believe it!! hehe)

Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Senior homecoming.... it was pretty fun... even though we lost our homecoming game 55 to 0... but that's ok though, cuz our football team sucks... lol... but this pic is of Ike, Melissa, Will and me.... if u look at all the other pics on this page, i'm sure u'll be able to figure out who's who...


here's a picture of my dad... he took it when he had gotten his new digital camera for work or something... but the picture was taken at home... my dad gets away with a lot at work.. lol... but that's ok.... just so long as they send me pictures occasionally and keep me updated on what's going on back home... cuz i like to know... but anyways... lol...


this is my grandma and grandpa... my grandma decided to dye her hair red (white) and blue with food coloring, after she seen my hair dyed blue... sometimes i think my grandma has more energy than me... lol... which is kinda crazy.. but it's all good... cuz i love my grandma and grandpa... :)


here's another picture of my dad... he commented that i don't have many pics of him on my web page... and he was right... i didn't have many... so i figured i'd add this one on too... :)