Home : Music : Tamara Nickolaevna Grum-Grzhimailo : A few words from the dirge...

Tamara Nickolaevna Grum-Grzhimailo

(1929 - 2007)

All gathered at Domodedovo cemetery were unanimous in several things. We had lost close friend and cheerfull person, full of youth energy and optimism till her last days. Below are several passages from the heard... Alexey, the son: "... My mammy was great optimist and very kind to all the people. She always guessed the same from the others, so often "trapped" as unexperienced believer." Sergey, friend: "I and my wife were pals with Tamara for a long period of time. We always appreciated her attidude and were proud of her friendship. And she was very proud of her son and her grandchildren." Dmitry Bertman, "Gelikon-Opera" director: "... Tamara was our support from the beginning. Her dearer "Taganka in music" term for us harmonizes for future productive performance." Nina, a publisher: "...She worked hard until her last days. My personal duty was to publish Tamara's last work. She didn't put the final point by herself, because of her disabilities at that time. The book is ready to be published now. I have several control exemplars with me." Other friend: "Tamara always find a time, though it wasn't that simple as you know, to talk either by phone or in live." Dmitry, conservatorie's aquaintence: "Tamara was studying at the same year with me in the Moscow conservatorie. She was among the persons I could remind only with good words." Alexandr, her son's friend said later on: "She was always especially well-wishing to the youths".