SAC Mecha
SAC meks

SAC MM-8B-SLD Galliard
SAC MM-8B-SLD Galliard Command
SAC MM-8B-SLD Galliard Sniper
SAC MM-8B-INT Zephir
SAC MM-8B-DLR-INT Dueler Zephyr
SAC MM-7B-HA "Starmax" (a.k.a. "Starlax")
SAC PS - A1 - GA "Leopard"

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SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD Galliard

None of the SAC mektons have fuel values listed. The Galliard's basic weight leaves enough capacity for 500 km of fuel. Don't dawdle over your target area!

The weight went up .5 tons, it looks like due to only counting the weight of one hand. The Smoke Missiles were listed at 2K when they are actually only1K and the Phalanx was listed at 1K when it is really 2K (Ammo was overlooked). So those two errors balanced out.

Spaces were not a problem, but every servo space is filled up. Keep that in mind when customizing.

The grenades that all the SAC mektons pack are listed as having a range of "thrown." I can't find the rules for making thrown missiles, so I bought the range down to the Galliard's throwing range of 3.

The cost of my design was 1.2 CP cheaper (before modifiers) than the book's cost. I am assuming that the two cockpits for a single pilot does not cost anything, but if not, that would explain most of it.

The Galliard has 12 Quick-Change Mounts. 4 on the arms and legs, 6 for the weapon mounts, 1 for the power plant and the last one is not quite clear. I designated it for the 3-vane backpod, since the head already comes off as a maneuver pod.

Tactical comments: The Galliard is faster than the Draken, and its rifle/bayonet combination allow it to go from ranged attacks to melee ones instantly. This suggests the tactic of closing to melee with a Draken, waiting for it to draw its heat saber, then falling back to shoot at it. Repeat as necessary. Sanding down its armor beforehand with swarm missile fire will help (no missile defenses on a basic Draken), as will popping a smoke missile in its face (the Galliard's standard ASP sees right through smoke).

The initial Galliard was 58.3 tons, 349.1 CP

SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD Galliard

MV -3
Ground MA 4
Flight MA 16
Weight 58.8 tons
Cost 347.6 CP

Servos and amror
Head HS with HS armor 10 CP
Torso HS with HS armor 15 CP
R. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
L. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
R. Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP
L. Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP
3-Vane Backpod HS with HS armor 10 CP
Total Cost 79 CP Total Kills 74

R Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc RA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

L Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc LA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

Gauss Rifle WA 0 Rng. 11 dmg. 5K shots-clip 6 kills Loc 2-h Spc. (12) BV 3, -3.8 spc. eff., mated to bayonet cost 14.4 CP

2x gauss clips shots 20 ea Kills 2 ea., Loc-gun spc. (2.5) Kinetic or Tracer ammo, cost 15 CP

Bayonet WA +1, Rng. M, Dmg. 4K+1, Shots NA., 4 Kills, Loc-gun, Spc. (-), Armor-Piercing, mated to Gauss Rifle Cost 6 CP
Phalanx WA +3, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 34, 1+1 Kills, Loc-LA-Mt., Spc. (5.4), Phalanx only, BV 7 Cost 5.4 CP

M. Attack Missiles WA 0 Rng. 12, Dmg. 5K, Shots 10, 3 Kills, Loc-RA-Mt, Spc. (6), -.25 spc eff. Cost 6.4 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-RL-Mt, Spc. (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-LL-Mt, Spc. (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

M. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 10, Dmg. 8K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, Spc. (9.1), Smart-2, skill 15, Cost 9.1 CP

M. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 10, Dmg. 8K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, Spc. (9.1), Smart-2, skill 15, Cost 9.1 CP

Lt. Seeker Missiles WA 0, Rng. 7, Dmg. 4K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-RA, Spc. 3, Smart-1, skill 12, -.2 eff., Cost 3.3 CP

Smoke Missiles WA 0, Rng. 8, Dmg. (5K), Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-LA, Spc. 3, Smoke, Blast-4 Cost 3 CP

Monoknife WA 0, Rng. M, Dmg. 3K+1, Shots NA, 43 Kills, Loc. 1-h, Spc. (6), Armor-Piercing, Quick, Cost 6 CP

Grenades WA 0, Rng. 0 (thrown), Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-1-H, Spc. (4.4), Fuse, Blast-2 Cost 4.4 CP

Total weapon cost 98.1 CP Total Kills 34

Main HS 1 Kill Loc H 1 spc. 6 CP
Backup SL 2 Kills, Loc T, 2 spc., 2 CP
ASP Loc T, 2 spc., 10 CP
Target Analyzer Loc H, 1 spc. 5 CP
Total cost 23 CP Total Kills 4

Link (Swarm Missiles) cost 3
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Quick Change Mount x12 (1/limb, 1/weapon mount, pod, powerplant) 12 CP
2 Searchlights Loc T cost .4 CP
Futuristic Styling +1 cool Loc T spc. 1 cost .5 CP
Stereo, liftwire, lock .6 CP
E-system for Power Plant 1 CP
Head cockpit-Canopy Maneuver Pod Loc H spc. 3 cost 4 CP
Torso cockpit-Armored Loc T spc. 1
Total Cost 33.5

Fuel (500 km range adds 2.8 tons)
Thrusters, MA 16 35.3 CP
27.3 thruster Spc. Weapon mated with 10 spc.Verniers=28 Spc. -18 Spc. efficiency 9 CP
4 Spc. RL, 4 Spc. LL, 10 Spc. Pod
Total thruster cost 44.3 CP

Basic Cost 278.1

Cost Multiplier Systems
Verniers +2 MV x 0.2
Env. Protection Spc. x.05
Total Modifiers .25

277.9 x 1.25= 347.4 CP

By: David Crowe <>

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SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD-C Galliard Command

The Galliard Command type is a limited-production variant for commanders and ace pilots.

Software upgrades on the tri-vane thrusterpack allow for more precise pilot control (the ACE). The powerplant was upgraded to a Ban/Zai Type 20, further enhancing performance. The sensor and communication arrays are also upgraded.

The GMR-14's bayonet is replaced with a four-shot auto-grenade launcher. To compensate for the loss of the bayonet, a second monoknife is added, along with a sophisticated melee weapons link. The two linked monoknives can slice open a servo in a matter of seconds in the hand of a skilled user, providing 8(!) attacks under optimum conditions.

Since a commander can be counted on to get shot at first and most, the light seeker missiles were replaced with Kinetic Kill Counter-Missiles for addtional missile defense. The Medium Hunter missiles were upgraded to compact Heavy Hunter ones. The rest of the standard Galliard missile payload is retained.

SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD-C Galliard Command

MV -2
Ground MA 5 Flight MA 16
Weight 58.8 tons
Cost 443.9 CP

Servos and amror
Head HS with HS armor 10 CP
Torso HS with HS armor 15 CP
R. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
L. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
R. Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP
L. Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP
3-Vane Backpod HS with HS armor 10 CP
Total Cost 79 CP Total Kills 74

R Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc RA spc.. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

L Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc LA spc.. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

Gauss Rifle WA 0 Rng. 11 dmg. 5K shots-clip 5 kills Loc 2-h spc. (12) BV 3, -3.8 spc. eff., mated to grenade launcher cost 14.4 CP

2x gauss clips shots 20 ea Kills 2 ea., Loc-gun spc. (2.5) Kinetic or Tracer ammo, cost 15 CP

Grenade Laucher WA 0, Rng. 8, Dmg. 5K, Shots 4, 1 Kill, Loc-gun, space (-), Blast Radius 1, mated to Gauss Rifle Cost 6 CP

Phalanx WA +2, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 34, 1+1 Kills, Loc-LA-Mt., space (5.4), Phalanx only, BV 7 Cost 5.4 CP

M. Attack Missiles WA 0 Rng. 12, Dmg. 5K, Shots 10, 3 Kills, Loc-RA-Mt,
space (6), -.25 spc eff. Cost 6.4 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-RL-Mt, space (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-LL-Mt, space (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

Hvy. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 11, Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (10), Smart-2, skill 15, -1.4 spc eff. Cost 12.1 CP

Hvy. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 11, Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (10), Smart-2, skill 15, -1.4 spc eff. Cost 12.1 CP

KKCMs WA +3, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 16, 1 Kill, Loc-RA, space 3, dedicated counter-missiles, -.2 eff., Cost 3.3 CP

Smoke Missiles WA 0, Rng. 8, Dmg. (5K), Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-LA, space 3, Smoke, Blast-4 Cost 3 CP

Monoknife WA 0, Rng. M, Dmg. 3K+1, Shots NA, 43 Kills, Loc. 1-h, space (6), Armor-Piercing, Quick, Linked Cost 6 CP

Monoknife WA 0, Rng. M, Dmg. 3K+1, Shots NA, 43 Kills, Loc. 1-h, space (6), Armor-Piercing, Quick, Linked Cost 6 CP

Grenades WA 0, Rng. 0 (thrown), Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-1-H, space (4.4), Fuse, Blast-2 Cost 4.4 CP

Total weapon cost 110.1 CP Total Kills 34

Main MW1 Kill Loc H 1 spc. 9CP
Backup SL 2 Kills, Loc T, 2 spc., 2 CP
ASP Loc T, 2 spc., 10 CP
Target Analyzer Loc H, 1 spc. 5 CP
Total cost 26 CP Total Kills 4

Cross-link (Swarm Missiles) cost 3 CP
Link (Monoknives) cost 3 CP
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Quick Change Mount x12 (1/limb, 1/weapon mount, pod, powerplant) 12 CP
2 Searchlights Loc T cost .4 CP
Futuristic Styling +1 cool Loc T spc. 1 cost .5 CP
Stereo, liftwire, lock .6 CP
E-system for Power Plant 1 CP
Head cockpit-Canopy Maneuver Pod Loc H spc. 3 cost 4 CP
Torso cockpit-Armored Loc T spc. 1
Total Cost 36.5

Fuel (500 km range adds 2.8 tons)
Thrusters, MA 16 35.3 CP
27.3 thruster spaces Weapon mated with 10 spc.Verniers=28 spaces-18 space efficiency 9 CP
4 spaces RL, 4 spaces LL, 10 spaces Pod
Total thruster cost 44.3 CP

Basic Cost 295.9

Cost Multiplier Systems
Verniers +2 MV x 0.2
Env. Protection space x.05
Overcharged Powerplant x.15
ACE (+.67% MP) x.1
Total Modifiers .5

295.9 x 1.5= 443.9 CP

By: David Crowe <>

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SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD-SC Galliard Sniper Custom

A limited Galliard variant for delivering precison heavy firepower, usually restricted to ace pilots with top marksmanship scores. It replaces the standard GMR-14 rifle with the GHS-5, a sniper rifle heavy enough to require using both hands and the right shoulder mount for support and stabilization. The large size of the GHS-5 and its heavy Armor-Piercing Discarding Sabot rounds limits clip size to only five shots, but when used in its proper role, this is not a problem.

The SC incorporates the Luna Industral Works Artemis targeting computer, which makes the SC a more stable firing platform than the stock Galliard.

The Sniper Custom removes much of the standard Galliard's missile load, replacing them with flare and more smoke ordenace, which can hinder enemy response. The Advance Sensor Package all Galliards carry insures that the SC and other friendly units will not be affected. For close-defense, the SC carries a Light Machine Gauss (from the Strike CAU) on its left shoulder mount, allowing the unit to keep its hands on the sniper rifle. It retains the leg-mounted Swarm Missiles, Monoknife and grenades.

SAC Mekton MM-8B-SLD-SC Galliard Sniper Custom

MV -3 (-2 for weapon fire)
Ground MA 4 Flight MA 16
Weight 58.8 tons
Cost 428.7 CP

Servos and amror
Head HS with HS armor 10 CP
Torso HS with HS armor 15 CP
R. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
L. Arm HS with HS armor 11 CP
R. Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP L.
Leg HS with HS armor 11 CP
3-Vane Backpod HS with HS armor 10 CP
Total Cost 79 CP Total Kills 74

R Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc RA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

L Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc LA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

Gauss Sniper Rifle WA +2 (+3) Rng. 16 dmg. 8K shots-clip 8 kills Loc 2-h & RT-Mnt. spc. (22), -3.2 spc. eff., 25.6 CP

4x gauss clips shots 5 ea Kills 1x4, Loc-gun spc. (1.2) AP Tracer ammo, cost 57.6 CP

Lt. Machine Gauss WA 0 (+1) Rng. 12 dmg. 2K shots-clip 2 kills Loc. LT-Mt. spc. (10), -2 spc. eff., BV 4 11 CP

Ammo clip shots 20 Kills 1, Loc-gun spc. (2) Tracer ammo, cost 6 CP

Phalanx WA +2, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 34, 1+1 Kills, Loc-LA-Mt., space (5.4), Phalanx only, BV 7 Cost 5.4 CP

Flare Missiles WA 0, Rng. 11, Dmg. (10K), Shots 4, 3 Kills, Loc-RA-Mt., space 6, Flare, Blast-1 Cost 6 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-RL-Mt, space (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

M. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 5, Dmg. 2K, Shots 23, 3 Kills, Loc-LL-Mt, space (6), Linked, Cost 6 CP

Smoke Missiles WA 0, Rng. 8, Dmg. (5K), Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-RA, space 3, Smoke, Blast-4 Cost 3 CP

Smoke Missiles WA 0, Rng. 8, Dmg. (5K), Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-LA, space 3, Smoke, Blast-4 Cost 3 CP

Monoknife WA 0, Rng. M, Dmg. 3K+1, Shots NA, 3 Kills, Loc. 1-h, space (6), Armor-Piercing, Quick, Cost 6 CP

Grenades WA 0, Rng. 0 (thrown), Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-1-H, space (4.4), Fuse, Blast-2 Cost 4.4 CP

Total weapon cost 144 CP Total Kills 34

Main LH 1 Kill Loc H 1 spc. 12 CP
Backup SL 2 Kills, Loc T, 2 spc., 2 CP
ASP Loc T, 2 spc., 10 CP
Target Analyzer Loc H, 1 spc. 5 CP
Total cost 29 CP Total Kills 4

Link (Swarm Missiles) cost 3
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Quick Change Mount x12 (1/limb, 1/weapon mount, pod, powerplant) 12 CP
2 Searchlights Loc T cost .4 CP
Futuristic Styling +1 cool Loc T spc. 1 cost .5 CP
Stereo, liftwire, lock .6 CP
E-system for Power Plant 1 CP
Head cockpit-Canopy Maneuver Pod Loc H spc. 3 cost 4 CP
Torso cockpit-Armored Loc T spc. 1
Total Cost 33.5

Fuel (500 km range adds 2.8 tons)
Thrusters, MA 16 35.3 CP
27.3 thruster spaces Weapon mated with 10 spc.Verniers=28 spaces -18 space efficiency 9 CP
4 spaces RL, 4 spaces LL, 10 spaces Pod
Total thruster cost 44.3 CP

Basic Cost 329.8

Cost Multiplier Systems
Verniers +2 MV x0.2
Env. Protection space x.05
Targeting Computer +1 MV x.05
Total Modifiers .3

329.8 x 1.3= 428.7 CP

By: David Crowe <>

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SAC Mekton MM-8B-INT Zephyr

Since the meks in the Starblade book aren't on full construction sheets,most of the details of their construction, such as servo levels, point costs and so forth, are not available. This makes customizing them a bit difficult. I have reverse-engeneered the Zephyr to supply this missing information.

The big problem with the Zephyr was that none of its option equipment was listed; instead, it had the Rapier's options. I gave it the same options as the Galliard, as they seem fairly standard among the SAC mektons. Unaccounted for points may indicate I was wrong.

There are 3 CP unaccounted for before modifiers. A link for the KKCMs would fill that gap and be quite logical, if you care for such a thing.

None of the SAC mektons have fuel values listed, but the Zephyr clearly has weight efficency, and a value of 1000 KM of fuel works out OK.

Spaces were not a problem, but every servo space is filled up. Keep that in mind when customizing.

The grenades that all the SAC mektons pack are listed as having a range of "thrown." I can't find the rules for making thrown missiles, but the consensus is that range 0 missiles work as grenades as well as mines or bombs.

The Zephyr has 12 Quick-Change Mounts. 4 on the arms and legs, 6 for the weapon mounts, 1 for the power plant and the last one is not quite clear. I designated it for the 3-vane backpod, since the head already comes off as a maneuver pod.

Tactical comments:

The Zephyr is just as fast as the Viggen, with superior armor but slightly weaker servos. The Viggen's shield and heat saber make it better at melee combat. Both units are loaded with anti-missile systems, making the Zephyr's plentiful supply of them less useful. But the Zephyr has a much bigger gun than the Viggen, big enough to take a Viggen's wing off in one hit. Use tracer ammo to do that, then hang back and snipe. Swaping out the attack missiles for smoke missiles would help in such a strategy.

The initial Zephyr was 49 tons, 421.5 CP

SAC Mekton MM-8B-INT Zephyr

MV -0 Ground MA 6 Flight MA 24 Weight 49 tons Cost 416.9 CP

Servos and Armor
Head MS with MS armor 8 CP
Torso MS with MS armor 12 CP
R. Arm MS with MS armor 9 CP
L. Arm MS with MS armor 9 CP
R. Leg MS with MS armor 9 CP
L. Leg MS with MS armor 9 CP
3-Vane Backpod MS with MS armor 8 CP
Total Cost 64 CP Total Kills 60

R Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc RA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

L Hand WA 0 Rng. M Dmg. 1K+1 shots NA 1 Kill Loc LA spc. 1 Quick, Handy cost 2 CP

Gauss Rifle WA 0 Rng. 12 dmg. 4K shots-clip 4 kills Loc 2-h spc. (10) BV 3, -4.4 spc.. eff., 14.2 CP

2x gauss clips shots 20 ea Kills 2 ea., Loc-gun spc. (2.4) Kinetic or Tracer ammo, cost 14.4 CP

Phalanx WA +2, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 25, 1+1 Kills, Loc-LA-Mt., space (4+1), Phalanx only, BV 7 Cost 5 CP

KKCMs WA +3, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 10, 1 Kill, Loc-RA, space 2, dedicated counter-missile, Cost 2 CP

KKCMs WA +3, Rng. NA, Dmg. 1K, Shots 10, 1 Kill, Loc-LA, space 2, dedicated counter-missile, Cost 2 CP

L. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 4, Dmg. 1K, Shots 40, 3 Kills, Loc-RL-Mt, space (5), Linked, -.2 spc eff Cost 5.3 CP

L. Swarm Missiles WA +1, Rng. 4, Dmg. 1K, Shots 40, 3 Kills, Loc-LL-Mt, space (5), Linked, -.2 spc eff Cost 5.3 CP

L. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 9, Dmg. 6K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (6.8), Smart-2, skill 15, Cost 6.8 CP

L. Hunter Missiles WA 0, Rng. 9, Dmg. 6K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (6.8), Smart-2, skill 15, Cost 6.8 CP

L. Assault Missiles WA -2, Rng. 22, Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (1.2), -.6 eff., Cost 2.1 CP

L. Assault Missiles WA -2, Rng. 22, Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-T-mt, space (1.2), -.6 eff., Cost 2.1 CP

L. Attack Missiles WA 0, Rng. 10, Dmg. 4K, Shots 3, 1 Kill, Loc-RA-mt, space (1.5), Cost 1.5 CP

L. Monoknife WA 0, Rng. M, Dmg. 2K+1, Shots NA, 43 Kills, Loc. 1-h, space (4.8), Armor-Piercing, Quick, Thrown Cost 4.8 CP

Grenades WA 0, Rng. 0 (thrown), Dmg. 10K, Shots 2, 1 Kill, Loc-1-H, space (4.4), Fuse, Blast-2 Cost 4.4 CP

Total weapon cost 80.7 CP Total Kills 28

Main LH 2 Kills Loc H 1 spc. 12 CP
Back up SL 2 Kills, Loc T, 2 spc., 2 CP
ASP -2 spc. eff Loc T, 2 spc., 11 CP
Target Analyzer -1 spc. eff Loc H, 1 spc. 5.5 CP
Total cost 30.5 CP Total Kills 4

Link (Swarm Missiles) cost 3
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc T spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LA spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc RL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Weapon Mount Loc LL spc. 2 cost 2 CP
Quick Change Mount x12 (1/limb, 1/weapon mount, pod, powerplant) 12 CP
2 Searchlights Loc T cost .4 CP
Futuristic Styling +1 cool Loc T spc. 1 cost .5 CP
Stereo, liftwire, lock .6 CP
E-system for Power Plant 1 CP
Head cockpit-Canopy Maneuver Pod Loc H spc. 3 cost 4 CP
Torso cockpit-Armored Loc T spc. 1
Total Cost 33.5

Fuel (1000 km range adds 4.6 tons)


MA 24 44.1 CP

38.1 thruster spaces Weapon mated with 10 spc.Verniers=36.2 spaces

-28.2 space efficiency 14.1 CP

3 spaces RL, 3 spaces LL, 8 spaces Pod

Total thruster cost 58.2 CP

Basic Cost 269.9

Cost Multiplier Systems
Supercharged Cool P-Plant x0.3
Verniers +2 MV x 0.2
Env. Protection space x.05
Total Modifiers .55

269.9 x 1.55= 413.7 CP

Weight efficency -1.6 tons= 3.2 CP

413.7 + 3.2=416.9

By: David Crowe <>

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SAC MM-8B-DLR-INT Dueler Zephyr

Team Tsunami put forth a number of variants on the standard 8B. The DRL (dueler) was one of those that is currently undergoing field testing.

The modifications are simple. The assault and attack missiles were pulled, as well as the knife. These were replaced with a light weight, though expensive, sword (6K AP) and shield (5SP). This variant also boasted and ACE system (+33%), developed form stolen plans of the ODF's Vogel fighter. While not quite the system that the Vogel has, it is an improvement on the 8B.

While the 8B DLR can still function as a standard interceptor, it is also a deadly in-close unit, using superior speed and maneuverability to hit its opponent then get away.

Only ten units have been constructed to date. If the design proves effective, more may be built at a ratio of one DLR for every four interceptors.

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SAC MM-7B-HA "Starmax" (a.k.a. "Starlax")

Weight 74,4 Tn; Height 21 M; Cost 232.200.000 Credits

The first SAC HA unit, the Starmax was commisioned on 2172.3 and decommisioned on 2172.4 - a true record for a peacetime military unit! What would have been it's "field trials", an atack on a suspected pirate base, turned to be wath has been known as either the "Starmax Debacle" or the "Crossbones Inception". When several soldier- sized units massacred without losses a greater number of HAs, then took out the HA's cruiser, the SAC scrambled to build a new HA and turned over the existing Starmaxes to the open market.

The Starmax is a very heavy unit, but lacks the heavy hidraulics of modern HAs and it's powerplant isn't powerful enough to properly power the unit - soon the ponderous suit was dubbed "Starlax"; as a SAC pilot pointed out, "it handles like a tired boxer". It's also very slow, unable to fly except on 0-G, and lacks the sophisticated 3- vane backpods of later units, sporting only a jumjet pod similar to the one disponible for the Bahn/Zai's civilian GP Manson (and indeed, is the same one, built under license!).

The main armament of the Starmax is a GMR-16 Gauss Rifle. It's a heavy gun (perhaps too heavy for the unit to handle), clip-fed, with ten-burst clips. Has a slow ROF but decent punch. Several of the biggest SAC missiles and standard grenades and defensives round off the armament. Too bad the designers were more busy with quantity that with quality of the targeting software.

The most (some say only) interesting feature of the Starmax is it's heat sword, the first one mounted on a Mek. How the Charybdis found (and duplicated) about the weapon who ought to be the edge (very literaly) of the Starmax over it's knife- wielding rivals is unknown. The still- forming ODF quickly steal, er, adopted the design. The SAC, obviously, thinked that anything from the Starlax wasn't worth keeping.

Game Stats:
Humanoid, MV -8, -1 MP, Land MA 2, Air MA 7, 74.4 Tn, 232.2 CP

Servos and Armor:
Head LH, 7 Kills, SP 7 DC 1 armor
Torso LH, 14 Kills, SP 7 DC 1 armor
R & L Arms LH, 8 Kills, Add. +2, SP 7 DC 1 armor
R & L Legs LH, 8 Kills, Add. +3, SP 7 DC 1 armor
Pod MH, SP 7 DC 1 armor

Space Protection, Undercharged Powerplant; -x0,1 Total Cost

GMR-16 Gauss Rifle (7K AP, WA -2, Range 8, 10 shots, 7 Kills, BV 2, Kinetic) 2-handed
2 x Extra Clips of Kinetic, AP ammo (on legs)
Phalanx (WA +2, 34 Shots, 1 Kill, BV 7, Ded. Phalanx), RA
H. Swarm Racks x2 (3K, WA +1, Range 6, 21x2 Shots, 4x2 Kills), LMTs
M. Hunter Racks x2 (8K, WA +0, Range 10, Shots 2x2, Kills 1x2, S. 2 Skill 15), TMTs
M. Seeker Missiles x2 (6K, WA +0, Range 9, Shots 1x2, Kills 1x2, S1 Skill 12), TMTs
M. Attack Racks x2 (5K, WA +0, Range 12, Shots 10x2, Kills 3x2), AMTs
Smoke Missiles ("5" K, WA +0, Range 8, 2 shots, 2 Kills, Smoke Radius 4), LA
Grenades (10 K, +0 WA, Thrown, 2 shots, 1 Kill, Blast 2, Fuse), 1-handed
Heat Sword (5+2K AP, WA +0, 5 Kills), 1-handed

Jump Jets (6 MA) on Pod
Armored Cockpit on Torso, Canopy Cockpit on Head, M-Pod
Striker sensors on Head, Backups on Torso
Weapon Mounts x 6 (2 T, 1/A,L)
QCMs x 12 (1/Limb, 1/WM, Powerplant)
E-Sys for Powerplant
2 Spotlights on Head
Liftwire, Basic lock
500 Km Reaction mass

Game notes:
- It's a bad, brick suit, keep pouring weapons and forget MV.
- We know from Episode 26 that the Starmax has a sword and his main gun can lay a "barrage", so it's burst firing - barely. Also powerful, Ree jumped on a cave (!) rather that being hit by a burst.
- Standard SAC subassemblies (but without Cool, of course!) (nor Stereo, for the same!)
- SAC's standard Phalanx, grenades, smoke missiles and missile racks, no linkages.
How good, by the Deon incident all those Starmaxes were probably very short of SAC missiles...
- Also we know, from the 2172 incident, it can handle space, but as the Manticore was the first flying HA, only jumpjets. Also, as it wasn't made by Bahn/Zai, has no 3- vane.
- No verniers nor hydraulics, undercharged powerplant (it's called "StarLAX", after all). I'm considering even Weight Ineficiency...

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SAC PS - A1 - GA "Leopard"

GA (Ground Assault) suits serve roles very similar to tanks. They are designed to take ground, to smash through defenses and destroy enemy installations. The SAC's previous GA was the "Rhino", a design produced by Bhan/Zhai.
When the SAC approached Bhan/Zhai the company was unable to offer anything more than a few minor improvements to the basic Rhino. It was at this time that the Martian company, Power Solutions, put forth a bid. Power Solutions, a successful company that had been building constructions suits, wanted to branch out.

They won the contract and began work on the Leopard.

They built an entirely new frame for it, twenty meters tall, designed to hold all the weapons and armour the unit would need. It's main weapon was a six barreled auto cannon, capable of putting out enough ammunition is a single burst to tear any three suits apart.

One of the problems with the Rhino, and all of the heavier suits, was lack of speed. After giving it some thought, Power Solutions used a wheel/tread system placed on the feet. Jokes about roller skating aside, the system was perfect. With an overcharged power plant the Leopard had a ground speed comparable to much lighter suits.

After it was pointed out that the main cannon's external mounting made it vulnerable to attack, a second, smaller, cannon was placed in the right arm. At this point a gunner's station was added to the suit so that there were two cockpits in the torso. The gunner enters through a hatch in the back of the suit and sit above and behind the pilot. In an emergency both pilot and gunner enter the head cockpit, a tight squeeze, and eject.

Like the Bhan/Zhai suits the arms, legs, head, power plant and weapon, mount for the main gun have quick change mounts. The power plant can be ejected in an emergency, as can the ammunition for the main cannon.

The initial design was all climate, being protect against both desert and arctic conditions. When Admiral Mars received the first shipment of Leopards for his ground forces he had his tech seal the suits against vacuum, then trained the pilots to move out onto the surface of his carrier, becoming gun emplacements, perfect for dealing with in coming fighters.

After that all Leopards were protected against space.

So far the Leopard has only been in one really battle, and that was on Freya 4. While some people are worried about the suits, analysts have pointed out that the suits did very well, considered they did not have air or artillery support. Variants: None to date. Power Solutions has designed a reentry pack that fits on the storage compartment and has successfully dropped the suit from low orbit to the surface of Mars.

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Height 21m, Weight 84 Tn, Cost 2,556.3 CP

Mekton Stats:
Configuration: Hybrid
MV -4, LAND MA n.a. , AIR MA 24
Maneuver pool: +33% 

Main Systems: x2.55
Powerplant XS: 1
Space & EM Protection
Supercharged Powerplant
ACE +33%
+2 Verniers (mater thrusters)
Targeting Computer TM 4
Dual 1-turn Turbocharger
Superheavy Hidraulics

Servos and Armor:
HEAD Mg.Hvy 11 - Mg.Hvy 11 1
TORSO Mg.Hvy 22 - Mg.Hvy 11 1
R.ARM Mg.Hvy 12 +3 Mg.Hvy 11 1
L.ARM Mg.Hvy 12 +3 Mg.Hvy 11 1
R. POD Mg.Hvy - - Mg.Hvy 11 1
L.POD Mg.Hvy - - Mg.Hvy 11 1
BACKPOD Mg.Hvy - - Mg.Hvy 11 1

Movement Systems:
Thrusters (MA 8) RP
Thrusters (MA 8) LP
Thrusters (MA 8) T
Indigo Nova Boosters BP (+100 MA, +100 MB, 10 Kills)

Main Backup
Loc Head Torso
Range 20 Km 1 Km
Comm 1800 Km 300 Km
Kills 2 2
Notes: Fited w/ ASP and Target Annalizer on Head

Screen canopy cockpit w/ V-Pod, Head
Combat Cockpit, Torso
Weapon Mount x8 (2/T,1/P, 1/Limb)
QCMs x 14 (Limbs, Mounts, Pods)
QCM + E-Sys. for Powerplant
2 Spotlights & Micromanipulator , Head
Anti Theft, Liftwire & Stereo, Torso
ECM (three types) level 4, Torso
Linkage x4 (shoulder cannons, miss.)
Interservo X-Link x2 (Talons, LMGs)
Scary Monster Look +2 Cool
1000 Km base fuel (+6 Tn), All
3000 Km extra fuel (+18 Tn), BP

Weapon systems:
Right/Left Talons; +0 WA, 4K+5K AP e., 4/4 Kills, RA/LA, Entangling, X-Linked, Quick, AP,
VH Auto Gauss Cannon; +0 WA, range18, 10K AP, 40 shots,10 Kills, R TM/AM, BV 3, AP
Gauss Ammo; 40 shots, 12 Kills, R TM/AM, AP
VL Mekton Starbolt; +0 WA, range13, 10K, W-up 2, 10 Kills, L TM/AM, Megabeam
Light Machine Gauss x3; +0(+1) WA, range 12, 2K e., 20 shots e., 2Kills e., RP/LP/B, BV 4, X-Linked
Machine Gauss Ammo x3; (+1) WA, 20 shots e., 2 Kills e., Tracers
Phalanx System; +2 WA, 34 shots, 1+1 Kills, Head, BV 7, Dedicated Phalanx
KKCMs; +3 WA, "1K", 20 shots, 1 Kill, HMT, Dedicated Counter-Missile
H. Swarm Racks x2; +1 WA, range 6, 3K, 21/21 shots, 4/4 Kills, R/L PMT, Linked
H. Hunter Racks x2; +0 WA, range 11, 10K, 2/2 shots, 1/1 Kill, R/L PMT, Smart 2 Skill15, Linked
M. Seeker Missiles; +0 WA, range 9, 6K, 2 shots, 1 Kill, BPMT, Smart 1 Skill 12
L. Assault Missiles; +0 WA, range 22, 10K, 4 shots, 2 Kills, BPMT  
M. Attack Racks x2; +0 WA, range12, 5K, 10/10 shots, 3/3 Kills, RA/LA, Linked
Smoke Missiles; +0 WA, range 8, "5K", 2 shots, 1 Kill, HMT, Smoke, Blast 4

ADITIONAL NOTE: As seen on Episode 40, some Wyverns had their Radar ECM suites reconfigurated as ECCM; their EW suite is ECM (Sensor, Missile) 4 / ECCM 4. (Substituding a same-level EW system doesn't change cost, weight nor Spaces). Evidently, Carly's Wyvern wasn't one of these.

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Designers notes:


The Wyvern - No legs, three pods for thrusters and fuel. Pods, no kills, no weight, so the torso, head and arms can be larger and still keep the weight down (somewhere between and Soldier and an HA). Its hands are basically talons, lots of damage, AP, no handy. This thing was never meant to function as a construction unit. Does one thing, does it well, and the Gaians hate it for that.

And what about those two shoulder mounted cannons? Well, Gairon was not quite accurate. The suit can be fitted with two different cannons. One is basically just the Manticore cannon. The other is an incredibly powerful weapon. So powerful the suits powerplant can't provide the necessary charge. Solved by use of capacitors, though it gives the gun a charging time.

Targeting computer for weapon's accuracy.

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- Designing an Ubermech with unlimitated budget it's funny, but trying to design one limited to no gravs, no T-control, no especial armor, only 33% ACE, screen controls, no funny electronic tricks, etc... it's somewath of a trial! Especially if the oposition DOES have Virtual Controls, Beta Armor and 100% ACE disponible. So, where is the "Ubermech edge"? Only things left on entire manual are Mega Beams and V-Maxes. "So Be It."

- No jokes with the price - we did know this thing's gonna be outrageous from the very begining.

- Gairon wasn't quite acurate on another thing. The Wyvern could also fly on an atmosphere (it isn't got "space only" hidraulics)

- The talons are mantis-like, able to grapple a mecha (the Entangling) but NOT of fine -nor even gross- manipulation (non-Handy).

- Big Guns fired from one back (torso) breech mount, and one shoulder (arm) pintle mount.

- Nott that the Swarm missiles and LMGs are pretty useless against Beta armor.

- Indigo Novas - not only Midnight Sun can play this game! Watch out for commandoes, though ;)

- Aerospace V-Pod - after THREE Duelers messed-up, and so many hours drifting through space on disabled HAs, Carly's friends at Tsunamy Team took steps and gave her a scape pod able to fly back to base for itself. (No offense intended, I do apreciate Carly - she's obsesed but not evil, I think- and I want her to be comfortable)

- The mantis talons, the micromanipulators on head (kindda viperine tongue), the scary look... this mecha is WEIRD and PROUD OF IT!

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"The higher ups in Bhan/Zai head hunted some of the best of each team, and set them up here. They were given a fairly simple mission statement. Build a suit that will be able to deal with the potential problems that Miss Belin might unleash. Forget about things like being environmentally friendly and all that, just build an Ubermech. So that's what
they did."

"The Wyvern," Carly said.

"That's it. As it turns out Carly did not go to the ODF, and neither is the Wyvern going to match up to what she had built, from what we have heard. Could some of those suits really transform?"


"That must be a good trick. Wouldn't you love to fly one of them? So, how did the Dueler hold up?"

"Well enough, but it is outclassed."

"Story of all our suits it seems."

"So the Wyvern won't make a difference?"

"It might. It is heavily armoured, has some big guns and is fast and agile. Don't ask what it costs. It will surprise the hell out of the ODF. We are hoping the SAC will buy a bunch as command units."

"So where does it fit?"

"Kind of like a cross between a Heavy Armour and a Soldier suit, but ultimately unique."

"So you want me to fly it into combat?"

"We need to have it tested," he smiled at her.

"Suicidal test pilot, yea for me."

"Relax. I've put it through its paces, it won't fail you, but we need some hard data concerning combat. You're one of our best bets."

"One of?"

"We've got a few other pilots seeing what it can do. You'll meet them soon enough. Through here," he pointed towards a guarded door. "That's where Kit Bash works."

"Show me."

He led her past the guards and then through the door. The condition of the area was much better than the halls they had just been in. Carly looked around an noted the area was heavily reinforced. Gairon led her into an elevator that took them up the spoke and into the micro gravity of the central core. From there it was past another group of guards and then into a large, open bay.

"There," he said, pointing up.

Carly looked. There were two suits hanging up there, a group of technicians floating around them. They were easily the biggest suits she had ever seen. Then a number of things began to strike her.

"They have no legs. What are those?" She pointed at the tripod like arrangement.

"Two of them are thruster pods, the other is a fuel tank."

"Why no legs?"

"The most important battles in this war will be fought in space. We built a suit for that environment and only that environment. It does not have hands either, just these great talons that will rip through most armour like it was paper. On either shoulder, a gun that will make the Manticore jealous. Not energy, unfortunately, but we could not do everything."

"And you want me to fly it?"

"What do you say?"

"How does it handle?"

"About as well as your Dueler did. We put the same ACE deal in it, though we still haven't managed to improve upon it."

"And what will my duties be?"

"Go around, looking for fights and showing the SAC what a prize design this is."

"I'll do it," she said. I think next time I'll surprise you Ree Maxil, she thought at the same moment.

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