ReadingLirael, As You Like It, The English Patient, Heart of Darkness, Suikoden III, Candidate for Goddess
Watching House, Rick Mercer's Monday Report, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Corner Gas, Aishiteruze Baby, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go
Playing The Bard's Tale, Katamari Damacy, Curse of Monkey Island, Final Fantasy VI, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Pretty Barbie Dressup Party Final Fantasy X-2(group gaming)
Back-burner Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII
Obsessing Firefly, Erik and Ray, Impulse/Bart Allen, Ford Prefect, Monkey Island, Nostalgia.
Upcoming Things of Importance January 5 First day of classes January 14 Birthday party January 16 Jaryn and Matt Are Old Day
Is by Meimi, that wonderful Goddess who brings joy and happiness to the hearts of Ingrids.
This time, Meimi brought joy by doing a layout of Isumi Shinichirou and Waya Yoshitaka, of Hikaru no Go. It is full of wub.
Living in the Special Hell
5/17/2004 10:42:00 PM
"Going to the hospital, 'cause I shot my face off With my own dark cannon~!" - Matt.
Hm. Yes. Employed now. In a job I will find utterly unsatisfying, probably depressing, almost certainly spirit-crushing and energy draining.
Oh, joy of joys.
But as we all know, nothing is more important than money.
Not even Matt singing impromptu songs from a hypothetical musical about Disgaea. I wish I'd had a way to record the conversation. It was hilarious.
I appreciate these phone calls, even if they've come lately when I was making supper, because, man, it's pretty much the only friendly, real human contact I -get- some weeks. I haven't gone out of the apartment for reasons that weren't finding a job, no socialization, since Saturday before last. While talking to Matt can hardly be called 'keeping a grip on sanity', it's something, and it breaks up the endless monotony of job applications, reading, gaming, and watching tv.
Among other bright points, after the whole bit where I willingly entered into the employ of a souless conglomerate that's reputed to treat employees like shit, was Firefly, which was just so awesome I don't have words for it. But, of course, I have no one to fangirl with about Firefly anymore, either.
It was good, though, I liked it, I loved -Mal- in it, he had some awesome lines, and Jayne and Vera (I love Jayne), and -Wash-, and Inara, and Wash . . .
Did I mention Wash? Wash Wash Wash.
I wonder if this was the episode bell mentioned that had the cut scene with River and Simon and 'the family way'? Tastes like incest, man.
There was also Fucktard. Um, maybe I should have at least made an effort to find out what last week's episode was about?
. . . They're not going to resolve the whole thing with Lindsey, are they? I mean, there was Lindsey, and I appreciate the Lindsey-age, but the writers are going to hate me and not give me any proper resolution.
Am I the only one who thinks, even after the whole confession scene, that Angel's still -evil-. I mean, I dunno, talking about going out in a blaze of glory that won't actually -do- anything to damage the Senior Partners for long, and he still seems pretty focussed on power, and I just don't trust him.
And there was -more- fucking Fred worship. GODDAMMIT IT.
At least Jayne beat the shit out of Illyria. It almost made me feel better.
I'm not going to like how the series is going to end, I know it.
I admit it, I miss when the series was funny and quirky.
In the news of more things that piss me off, Jinxer mentioned some livejournal thing in which people are trading fic and icons and shit for donations to the campaign of that guy who isn't Bush. You know, the douchebag.
Wow, America, like your political leaders and actions didn't make me sick enough. Why do I bother defending you to my America-bashing friends? Tell me why? Because, fuck, man, your political system is already a joke, why are you kicking the corpse and spitting on it? Look, call me crazy, but cynical as I am, I think politics should be taken seriously. I think political actions, things that have ramifications in the world of politics, should be taken seriously. These things happen when every time there's an election, your mother could very well find herself out of a job.
Politicians are unethical, but so is bringing politics into something that should be pleasure, should be a hobby. If a politician buying votes is shameful, then the public essentially bartering for the support of a political candidate is just as bad. A corrupt voter base will lead to corrupt politicians.
Look, people signing -petitions- pisses me off (petitions are meaningless, wastes of paper, because any moron can sign a petition, at least on a political level, because the people working for the government? toss your petition into the recycling, just in case you ever wondered). This just makes me feel sick. I don't want Bush leading the most sickeningly powerful nation in the world any more than I'm sure the people behind this project do, but mixing it up with fandom? Not the answer, nothing like the answer. If you care about politics, then show it. Debate, discuss, bring the issues to the front, -think- about them, show that you're thinking seriously about who you're voting for, and why.
Just try not to make a joke out of democracy. It's just . . . agh. You people make me sick.
Sick sick sick, and so very frustrated with you all, Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off
Ooh, you fixed the comments. But your blog now takes an insanely long time to load.
Hey, I'll fangirl with you over Firefly. I'm watching it on dvd in the order it's supposed to be instead of however they aired it. I should finish off the series by tomorrow evening.
No, you wouldn't have gotten anything out of last week's episode of Fucktard. It was a silly, farcical filler episode centering on Buffy (though Sarah Michelle Gellar does not appear)--Spike and Angel acting like idiots in Italy with Andrew making a special appearance. (Though it was this week's episode that made me want to call the show Fucktard.)
I haven't noticed any -unusual- slowness via loading . . . But my connection's pretty speedy.
I -need- to get it on DVD, because right now I'm watching it on Space, the Canadian science-fiction channel, and it's on once a week, and I keep -missing- episodes. Also, I never know episode titles, which makes things confusing.
Glad I didn't miss anything important, then. I mean, Andrew's fun and all, but really, I think my time was better spent watching "A Wrinkle in Time" (although I missed Firefly, agh). I can't believe this close to the end of the series they're dicking around with stupid filler, especially if they couldn't get Gellar to show up.
I see your point, but I think Americans are pretty desperate to get young people to vote. If that means whoring fandom, people are willing to do that. Hopefully most of those involved understand the actual issues... Of course, if they did, Kerry wouldn't be the one running anyway.
You are truly the Rousseau of fandom. Only without the glass catheter and the Oedipus complex and stuff.
Finished watching Firefly. If you're talking about the episode where Mal inadvertently got hitched, then yeah, that's the one with the "family way" deleted scene. You definitely need the dvds then because the deleted scene is on the fourth disc of the box set.
Does Saffron kinda remind you of Cavilo?
Which episodes have you seen? (general plot descriptions.)
Dice: Their hearts may be in the right place, but whoring fandom isn't the way to go, and I stand by that statement. And, uh, who's Rousseau?
Ven: I need the DVDs so much . . . but they're expensive, and I don't think they have them in stores here anymore, and ordering online is a bit beyond my means. Maybe someday . . .
Saffron gives off a -bit- of a Cavilo vibe, but I don't think she's quite the crazy homicidal mongoose that Cavilo is/was. I also think that Cavilo was a lot better at having multiple plans running to catch people whichever way they jumped, while Saffron just seemed to have one. She was kind of thrown off her act when she ran into Inara, after all.
I've seen . . . the first half of the pilot. The one where they find the ship that was attacked by, uh, Reavers, I think. The one with the shindig, the one where River pretended to have mentally connected with Serenity, um, the one where Jayne was a folk hero (AHAHA!), the one that has Saffron in it again, and the one where Jayne tries to sell Simon and River out. Possibly a couple others, but my memory is -horrible-. I might remember if I looked at a site with plot summaries and stuff. I should look into that.
A pre-Revolutionary French philosopher - The Social Contract and the Origin of Inequality and so on. What I'm referring to is the suggestion that you can only know society (and order it) if you stand outside of society, which Rousseau did, for various reasons, but also because he was the kind of person who could rightly know society.
Sure, I agree - I just think that if I were in that position, I'd be desperate too. It might be the right place to pimp Rock The Vote, but when you're raising money like this there's always a danger not only of messing up something that's inherently nonpolitical, but also of partisanship. Sure, there are ficcers (or anyone else) who support a given political candidate, but to what extent can such an unofficial group really in good conscious endorse him in the name of the fandom, or ficcers, or whatever? Not that I've seen the site, so I'll shut up now. will have the episode guide.
Sounds like you watched "Bushwhacked," "Shindig," "Objects in Space," "Jaynestown." Saffron was in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" and made a reappearance in "Trash." And Jayne tries to sell out Simon and River in "Ariel"
I see the dvds on sale at for US$34.99. Maybe we could do a trade? dvds for Diana Wynne Jones, Terry Pratchett, and Gordon Korman books? I would have more books for the first two in my collection if I liked the American covers more. (Have you seen Tough Guide to Fantasyland there?) As for Gordon Korman, he quickly goes out of print and I haven't really liked his new stuff.
Looking through the guide, I've also seen the first part of "Serenity", "War Stories", and "Safe".
A trade, books for DVDs, might work, although all three are kind of hard to find used (I haven't seen "The Tough Guide to Fantasyland" here yet). Korman, not so hard as DWJ and Pratchett. If you have a cutoff year or something, or specific titles, I can keep my eyes open for those (they're reprinting his books right now, but the covers are ugly as sin, and I have reason to suspect they've been modernized) . . . Pratchett doesn't show up very often, but the local bookstore does have pretty much every title in stock. Don't know how they're doing on DWJ, but they usually have a couple titles. I know for a fact that at the moment they should have "Dark Lord of Derkholm".
This is, of course, irrelevant until at least the beginning of next month, or until I see how much working is going to improve my bank statement. I really don't want my rent cheque bouncing . . . The new books, anyway, and the shipping and stuff, but I'll keep my eyes peeled at used bookstores when I stalk them. For reference, new paperback books tend to be between $10 and $14 Canadian, while used bookstores here tend to scale them down to about two bucks.
I would like paperbacks only, please. In decent condition, so while it doesn't have to be glossy new, don't want frayed covers about to fall off. I don't have a definitive wishlist yet since there are too many books scattered about and I've forgotten what I'm missing. Any of the below would be cool. Dark Lord of Derkholm and Year of the Griffin and any Chrestomanci books you can find. Black Maria. Deep Secret. (I'm planning on giving my copy to someone.) Son of Interflux, Don't Care High, Radio Fifth Grade, Our Man Weston. Maurice and His Educated Rodents.
Are there any science fiction/fantasy/children's books you're looking for? I've duplicates of various titles.
I'll keep my eyes out for those mentioned, but I am pretty sure I can secure you a copy of "Radio Fifth Grade", as the last couple times I've been to one of the local used bookstores, I've seen a copy. It's shown no sign of moving - I don't think they get a lot of people buying kids books in that particular store, but a lot of teenagers deposing of books they've grown out of. I'll dart that way, mm, after work early next week, I think.
Can't think of any kids fantasy/sci-fi off the top of my head. Didn't actually get to read much of that sort of thing when I was a kid.