



startredder@hotmail.com (MSN)

Fanlistings, Cliques, and Other Stuff

Reading Lirael, As You Like It, The English Patient, Heart of Darkness, Suikoden III, Candidate for Goddess

Watching House, Rick Mercer's Monday Report, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Corner Gas, Aishiteruze Baby, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go

Playing The Bard's Tale, Katamari Damacy, Curse of Monkey Island, Final Fantasy VI, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Pretty Barbie Dressup Party Final Fantasy X-2(group gaming)

Back-burner Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII

Obsessing Firefly, Erik and Ray, Impulse/Bart Allen, Ford Prefect, Monkey Island, Nostalgia.

Upcoming Things of Importance
January 5 First day of classes
January 14 Birthday party
January 16 Jaryn and Matt Are Old Day

Ninja and Roommate
Crack for Crack
Story and Art Journal
Mythical Detective Loki Screencap Recaps
Prince of Tennis Screencap Recaps

Previous Games

American Gods
Carnival of Bargain Madness
Grumpy Gamer
The International House of Mojo
Logic and Chaos
Worm Blog

scented // midnight rain

Is by Meimi, that wonderful Goddess who brings joy and happiness to the hearts of Ingrids.
This time, Meimi brought joy by doing a layout of Isumi Shinichirou and Waya Yoshitaka, of Hikaru no Go. It is full of wub.


Politics, drugs, and liquor
10/12/2004 11:04:35 PM
"'Mr. Stavrinidis, when I was teaching at the University of Copenhagen, a colleague of mine had a very talented student who thought it was amusing to paint an escaped convict in every crowd scene. Each piece of work, there he was -- a little man in a striped suit, hiding. My colleague finally went berserk and ran his student over with a mobile home. Querada does not own a mobile home.' He walked across the room and bent down so that his eyes were an inch and a half from Sam's. 'But I can rent one! No -- more -- camels!'" - Son of Interflux, Gordon Korman.

I spent most of tonight alternating between reading Liquor and Goodbye Canada. The latter is for my upcoming paper on globalisation for political studies. I'm not sure it's actually going to be a useful source, since it's written by a politician who's been around since the time of Lester B. Pearson, and is very fond of using exclamation marks in every paragraph. It's very pessimistic, and alarmist, and according to it's predicted timeline (it was written early in 2001), Canada should be the newest of the American states by now. Oh, and democracy is dead and everything is controlled by a massive but secretive collection of wealthy businessmen. It's really kind of laughable because it's blowing things so out of proportion.

Ah, politics. If you don't laugh, you have to jab yourself in the brain with a spoon.

Liquor, however, continues to delight. It's weird, because there's a lot of stuff in the novel that I'm not comfortable with. The drugs, the alcohol (I thought Matt was shitting me about those drive through daiquiri places in the States!) . . . well, that's it really. The drugs and the alcohol. I don't know why it is. I mean, I recognize that there are people who are able to incorporate that kind of stuff, even in rather extreme quantities, into their lives and functions. It's just that all my experience tends toward the opposite. Alcoholics and drug addicts and general ruining of the life and freezing to death in the snow and not being found for a couple days (this is the story of Great Grandpa Atkinson that my mum told me when I was very small and instilled in me a permanent fear of lying down in the snow), although I guess the last isn't a problem in New Orleans. Still, it's weird to see it treated as such a recreational or pastime thing when I think about the drug house across from mine, and the other condemned buildings, and the hookers, and the other stuff I grew up around. And yet, despite all these things that really do make me feel uncomfortable in much the same way that heavy sexual overtones in fiction (or, let's be honest, in most real life discussions), I'm still enjoying the book a lot, and really liking Rickey and G-man, even though I can't identify with them at all. Brite still makes the book an interesting read.

Not repressed, or a prude, just quiet,
Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off

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