ReadingBarrayar, The English Patient, Heart of Darkness, Suikoden III, Candidate for Goddess
Watching House, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Corner Gas, Aishiteruze Baby, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go
Playing Suikoden IV, Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Okage: Shadow King, Katamari Damacy, Curse of Monkey Island, Final Fantasy VI, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Pretty Barbie Dressup Party Final Fantasy X-2(group gaming)
Back-burner Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII
Obsessing Erik and Ray, Impulse/Bart Allen, Bruno and Boots, Gilmore Girls (Doyle and Paris and Logan).
Upcoming Things of Importance April 2 Birthday/Secret Lair Unveiling Party April 4Fire and Hemlock paper due April 4Measure for Measure and Tempest paper due April 6 ARROGANT WORMS!!!!! April 7 Chinese folk religion term paper due April 14 Shakespeare final April 20 Political studies final April 22 Business ethics final April 25 Chinese folk religion final April 25 Critical reading final
Meimi has apparently decided to make herself my awesome layout fairy. Behold my twenty-first birthday present: A layout of pants!Logan, from Gilmore Girls (and, you know, that girl who's always hanging around him, what's her name . . .).
I'm actually having to restrain myself from rereading Murder Must Advertise right now
4/24/2005 02:22:00 AM
"I thought Henry Tudor would be better looking." "Yes, and not so Jewish." - Cordelia and Goneril, The Foretelling, The Black Adder.
I'm starting to think I really must be a truly terrible person, because it's the only way to explain some of the stuff that happens to me. But, thankfully, my nastiness is not so apparent on the internet. It's the only way to explain -other- stuff that happens to me. And so even when I've alienated my family and all my offline friends, I'll still be able to con people online into thinking I'm a decent human being.
By which I mean, my father and brother were in the city for a couple of days, and I'm not talking about it further, because there's really nothing to talk about.
Dad did stop by for a few minutes to drop off my recent mail, though. Two packages - two! One from Meimi, one from Ven. Memi sent Veronica Mars and some episodes of Gilmore Girls with pants!Logan and Danny Strong, which should be awesome. And there's some music and the first volume of Matantei Loki Ragnarok (in Japanese, but still - LOKI!) and Meimi did me some Keiichi-fanart and it's so pretty . . . And Ven sent "A Short Film About John Bolton" and a Courtney Crumrin comic book and books and IRRESISTIBLE FORCES EEEEEEEEEEEE!
. . . So, in conclusion, once finals are over, mine will be, temporarily, a happy life.
(Seriously, my friends are just too awesome for words. I am constantly awed by the things they do for me and what they put up with from me. I do not deserve them, ever.)
Sad and awed at the same time, Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off