....... as opposed to being the boy without the pants because that's another logan entirely



startredder@hotmail.com (MSN)

Fanlistings, Cliques, and Other Stuff

Reading Shards of Honour, The Tempest, The English Patient, Heart of Darkness, Suikoden III, Candidate for Goddess

Watching House, Rick Mercer's Monday Report, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Corner Gas, Aishiteruze Baby, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go

Playing Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne, Okage: Shadow King, Katamari Damacy, Curse of Monkey Island, Final Fantasy VI, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Pretty Barbie Dressup Party Final Fantasy X-2(group gaming)

Back-burner Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII

Obsessing Erik and Ray, Impulse/Bart Allen, Bruno and Boots, Gilmore Girls (Doyle and Paris and Logan).

Upcoming Things of Importance
April 2 Birthday/Secret Lair Unveiling Party
April 4 Fire and Hemlock paper due
April 4 Measure for Measure and Tempest paper due
April 7 Chinese folk religion term paper due

Ninja and Roommate
Crack for Crack
Story and Art Journal
Mythical Detective Loki Screencap Recaps
Prince of Tennis Screencap Recaps

Older Whining

American Gods
Carnival of Bargain Madness
Grumpy Gamer
The International House of Mojo
Logic and Chaos
Worm Blog

scented // honey lemon tea

Meimi has apparently decided to make herself my awesome layout fairy. Behold my twenty-first birthday present: A layout of pants!Logan, from Gilmore Girls (and, you know, that girl who's always hanging around him, what's her name . . .).


Logan, master of pants
4/2/2005 09:11:00 AM
"Your sarcasm only feeds the flame of my desire, my sweet." - Seamus, Queen of Wands.

New layout~


Been a while since I had one of these. Lookit the -shiny-.

. . . I'll post something coherent at a later date - papers are now.

. . . PANTS!
Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off

2 Snide remarks

I'm not sure I ~get~ it... (you and your obscure television references! :p ) but I do like the colour scheme. It's a lot easier on the eyes. Meimi did a good jorb.
- Geoff

By Anonymous, at April 02, 2005 10:12 AM  

It gives me a chance to say "pants!" a lot. I'd love it for that alone, even if the colour scheme wasn't awesome, and it was just so simple and light. It is a good, good layout, and I give it cookies. It's the little things that make me happy.

. . . PANTS!

By Ingrid, at April 02, 2005 10:17 AM  

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