Your Learning Style

This page deals with "learning styles". By knowing your own learning style, you can recognize how you best aquire knowledge and so determine a study method that suits you when studying by distance education.

Imagine you are going to learn a new task. It could be laying a laminate floor, following a new recipe or learning to use a new TV remote control. How do you approach the task?

Approach 1: Do you sit down with the instructions and read them through before trying?
Approach 2: Do you get stuck in to the task straight away? Do you ask others for help and then move on to a new task as soon as this one is complete?
Approach 3: Do you ask around and get advice, ponder on the topic and weigh up the different ways of doing the task?
Approach 4: Do you read the instructions but are eager to put them into practice and get on with the job?

These four approaches were characterised by Honey and Mumford as distinct styles of learning:

Theorists read the instructions before starting a task. You are a theoretical learner if you choose Approach 1.
Activists will explore the task and learn from this exploration. Activist learners would use Approach 2.
Reflectors will think about the task in hand and consider the alternatives carefully before embarking on the task. This is a person who asks around and considers the different approaches to the task. This type of learner uses Approach 3 when learning new tasks.
Pragmatists prefer to learn by testing. They would consider how to apply an approach to the task in hand. Pragmatists would choose Approach 4.

(Taken from the Open University UK online course "Living with the internet: learning online".)

Distance Education

- providing education for the underserved and marginalised people in the world;

- empowering people to build sustainable communities.






Health Issues

Studying at a computer can affect your body. In particular, it is known that working at a computer has several health risks...

Free Course

I recommend that students new to online learning take the Open University UK online course "Living with the internet: learning online".