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July 7, 2008
The circle of life turns and with children
First they love and adore you
Then they hate you
Then they tolerate you
Finally, they love you again.
At least that is the way it appears to work.
And it appears that that circle is finishing up for me with all my children in the tolerate or love phase. There is much to tell; one son got married, one graduated and is a doctor my youngest just turned 7, and no one is hateful to me. One son just visited from Texas and another wants to visit from Utah. Wait a minute I think that computers still hate me?. This one just shut off in mid sentence.

January 24, 2008

I am left to suppose that I have been using this as a sort of Blog from before Blogs.
I also find daily news to be too much, too much work also.
It is a difficult clime out of the abyss.
The surface of an abyss is not easy to reach, requiring diligent effort.
The quest for it is a necessary one we all must make.
Many are those I know making the climb.
Take Courage then for the journey, courage to us all!


Just a note! February 21, 2004
I have been in preparation for a move to another adventure in to the unknown. This time to rebuild an old house and re-establish a new, next step in my being even more of the better and better perfection of that which I am ever evolving into. I shall be doing the work and I may even have some time to revamp this site as is planned and create the others now on the drawing board? Time shall tell of this much more than I can speculate at this time. So come see, be part of tomorrow with me. Love and light to all from me!


Feb 21 2004

The stray cat thing is a huge one!
One of the principles of power is addressed as a part of a person of power doing teaching.
As a teacher to an apprentice it is highly preferred that the apprentice comes to the new knowledge on their own through the guidance of the master or the master risks having the apprentice misuse the new found abilities in an unnatural way causing harm to others including the master teacher. Newfound power in the hands of a novice more often than not is used in the realm of unrighteous dominion over another being, the first target is usually the master teacher because the novice attempts to prove and demonstrate their new power. Because the master teacher trusts the apprentice as a part of the inner circle of the master, this creates extreme vulnerability to a teacher of power. To date the majority of the apprentices I have observed have turned on the master teaching them. This usually happens at the point that the apprentice makes the choice to turn away from the path because it requires them to be honest with themselves and do real work on self improving their being. At this kind of moment the apprentice actually turns to the dark side and are unreachable until they choose to return to the light. The real bad thing about this is the damage they do on their fall from grace while also cutting them off from all of those that would have walked through fire with them had they stayed on the path of power. The harm to the master can take years to recover from and at times they do not ever recover completely. At these times the damage extends to all of those that the master would of helped and cannot, so the healing of hundreds is thwarted and often fails to ever be. What a loss from a simple thing like an apprentice choosing to quit and self destruct taking down the master with them! Sad indeed! There karma from this shall take lifetimes to repair if it ever is repaired. Teaching is the most rewarding and the most risky and often the least appreciated of all masteries!


11,November, 2003

More stray cats!

In the early part of the school year I was doing volunteer work for a local school and found myself attached to electricity in the way you should not ever connect to it! I found myself in a life and death struggle while attempting prevent my two year old from also attaching to that same electrical circuit. I found myself unable to detach from the wires, my mind was loosing the ability to maintain conscious focus, My arms frozen by the surge of electricity through my arms and chest and I was alone save it be my child. I stepped back in an attempt to pull away from the conduit but it just kept coming out of the ceiling in a longer and longer length. I then collapsed back words, with my thoughts going dark from my mind the conduit still came farther out toward me, I struck the floor! I through divine intervention did detach from those wires they finally reached an end and I was on the floor detached from one wire by mere inches while still holding to the conduit with the other hand. This happened because the last person to do work wired the circuit backwards and it then was always hot even with the circuit breakers switched of stray wires from a stray cat. I asked for an associate of mine that I thought I could trust to come and assist me in my confusion and discomfort, after I arrived at home only to be further shocked by their action toward me and with no help or thought leaving me in more distress. This after being there for them hundreds of times for years, talk about taking care of strays this one surly did attract them in droves. I have sense spent hundreds of hours assisting others to create an environment at that school where those of that school, the teachers the children, are for the most part safe from the hundreds of potentially shocking hazards and in a place they can possibly learn important life skills. This is more like it and what it is about, but for this reason I have been amiss in doing the necessary alterations to this site and it’s message, for this I cannot alter that result but those kids are not all strays! All I say now is these children are very worth these hours I have freely given in their behalf! It is for this reason that this is now being amended into my site; this is an important aspect of my life mission to build the best that I can while standing in my principled intent. For decades I have dedicated my essence to a solution to be possible and present here and now, my all and even my soul to be available with best pristine effort through vigilant choices. This I have so done for any that may choose to use that which I am, that for this they then to choose a better way. It is my experience that it is those that so they did even choose and they have even chosen many times to not be a part of any future positive solutions. To be not of solutions for our world or for each of us, yet these are they that are the most active in destroying the very possibility of any such solution. Being in this place they choose to destroy that which may reveal their failure, this then to preserve their failed premise of being and stay within the shadow of that shameful sorrow. Powerful it would be and also be so profoundly uplifting to have this same amount of work, same amount of interactive action thus be placed in a positive set of actions toward a better and better way of being. Why must it then need to be that their failures then must need be to set themselves as destroyers of the true doers of any enduring good? Why choose they to be the destroyers of that which could heal their festered wounded ness, and if left unhealed then should surely decipher their secret bleakness, and yes reveal their lack and ultimately their failures just to hide? All that is there among you that can truly stand in silent fearless truth do all then that you are able, stay a hiding not the more. If so you then do look within to see with clarity and wisdom from your soul then do now break your silent screams to pierce the defeated past your pristine voice loudly speak these things with the echo then do move speak again all this while enjoining yourself anew into this new and future positive reality with unfailing actions and support. Do not those things of destruction of the innocent starting with that innocent one within you. Be here now! Be not in that there that was before or the one that would be after. Think! Then chose! But be here in the doing of this place you are surly in it is in the here and now. Just do it! Do it as much as is within you and then do that one thing more and do these things as many times as is necessary and a bit taboot, so as to make the difference here be so. Fear not those that may choose to do it not, just stray cats be they all, you make the choice to be here now to be your actualized aspect of the doing. It may be a shocking experience for you too, and this too shall give you experience as you too then may go even more beyond even beyond surviving into thriving within your peaceful brilliant bliss! Share your bountiful abundance of bliss so in the sharing of it there it is so as to make room within your soul for even more!

17,August, 2003

Just a thought!

If you cannot love your self you cannot love anything else!
So if you say you love any thing, then you can tell if that is true
only after you look into your own self to see if you find a friend
and a being you love and respect!
Anything else is self-corruption and a debased deception of the soul!

15 JULY, 2003

Stray Cats!

At times life sends you a stray cat to help you reflect on your principals. I have had it would seem at times that one cat more than is reasonable. I have some friends that are stray cats in and of them self’s, wandering about from doorstep to door step in search of love and sustenance. They are some times easy to recognize because they attract other strays. When one of these strays arrive at your door it is always a new and not such a minuscule situation that you face. You must immediately look into your principal bias and see which allowances apply, and then begin to make all of the concessions necessary to implement them. How long can the cat stay without taking up permanent residence? What is the overall health and state of mind of that cat? The one thing that seems a given is it shall cost you, and that cost will be within reciprocity or it will not. Well let me share an example! I have just under gone a time where many visitors blessed me with their presence and a lot of the time spent was good. Some from Arizona others from as far as Hawaii, as they began to depart for other parts of the world and I found myself with smaller and smaller numbers of people here I also noticed that another stray cat had decided that this was now home. This cat was a real cat, pregnant with kittens, and I was not successful in finding the correct neighbor to return it to. Again the decisions as to the correct action to embark on became the new dilemma. Well before any action could be taken early one morning she gave birth prematurely to four small kittens we found scattered around the back yard and the mother took not any interest in them. Now I found myself with five strays and playing mother to the preemies. I had just spent my entire quota of time and energy to guests for the next length of time, and now these five strays that seamed to have been adopted by the presence of all the others, of guests and then left for me to deal with. I have now watched one of them die in my hands and it looks like the rest will soon follow. I feel at times as though I allow far too much and a thing like this is a result, a result of people being willing to receive my hospitality and learn from my storehouse of life yet they feel justified in leaving behind the aftermath of their passing and then have at times stated that they were justified because I some how owe them more that I have already given them. They see my need or here my requests and then ignore then because their time is valuable and not to be given without pay, while they receive and ask for more I become diminished and not replenished. I think this is one of the reasons Usui spoke to the principle of equal energy exchange, because he too found himself in this kind of place. So what of those principles? When do you just kick out the pregnant cat? Or do you keep on giving your life for one that is dieing and shall die in spite of your best time actions and intentions? Stray cats will keep on showing up until people take responsibility for there own cats and not neglect them until they wind up on some one else’s door. In my principles I attempt to do exactly that, take care of my own cats so no one else needs to do so! In spite of how well I do this I still expect to wind up with more strays and be looked at in that way, you know ‘that way’, that way where I can never do or give enough to satisfy. I suppose I shall have only have given just a drop in the bucket and it dose not count for much. Well I shall still keep up my principles any way! OK?


25 May, 2003
Birthday News 5-25-2003

It has been from the first of April (Remember the April fools day thing and time and were you fooled?) to this point in time and the news of the world has spun on out of control!
(Did you expect anything else?)
What is that of the news that is of reason or purpose to and of the eternal spectrum of reality and me? Not much! All of it and all of you are still in the grind. This should be a very scary thing to you; it is to the reasonable soul, are you scared? The question is again “are you anxiously engaged in a good cause?” “Oh” you may deceive yourself into thinking so, into thinking that you have it all together and all, but are you really engaged and do you honestly have it together? Most likely not!
I can see and know that which is not seeable and that which is unknowable and it makes me very concerned! If you are of the feeling of being on track and in control, if I were you I would reexamine those feeling’s because the world needs and requires more of each of us. You and your little handle on reality is only one segment of the entire picture, so maybe it is a time for honesty within the real truth of your role in the big picture, and for you to let go of the fear and connect to something more, something that can actually do some of those things that you are attempting to do and even more. Only a thought but a thought worth thinking and then re-thinking again!
One of the biggest lies is that ‘you and the big it’ is ok, and on track. How can that be; if people are thinking (and you) that they need to do nothing more than they are now doing? Can any of you see all of the unrighteous dominion in action all about you? Do you see the death, the destruction, and the unfulfilled need of the innocent all around you? Do you see those in the governments and multinational corporations of our world making their version of the truth out of fear, death, and lies? Do you really believe that our world is safer and more secure and have they done anything to remove the danger from our lives? If so, then maybe W.C. Fields was right and fools are born every minute. I guess deceivers depend on this concept of the fool. This is not the world I choose for you, and our children, and me.
Little ones, be not deceived nor deceive not yourself into thinking or believing that you are in a place of actually thinking, or actually making informed choices, because you are not using proper informed thought or your right of free agency of informed choice! Think not, that or not thinking this not, not when you allow governments, popes, and priests to do all your thinking for you and all of your choosing for you. Hey little innocent precocious souls and minds, (by the way if all you see is little minds in this last sentence you really need to carefully examine your ability to perceive, because that may be the way you are giving away your power and your rights and losing your privilege.) this thinking and choosing thing, is your job! And it cannot be given unto another nor can it be allowed that an unrighteous dominating force be allowed to have it!

1 April 2003

April fools!
Who are the fools?
Are you being fooled?

"I don't care how little your country is,
you got a right to run it like you want to.
When the big nations quit meddling
then the world will have peace."
---Will Rogers---

This One is Real Fun!

NEW YORK -- Federal investigators have arrested an enigmatic Wall Street wiz on insider-trading charges -- and incredibly, he claims to be a time-traveler from the year 2256! Sources at the Security and Exchange Commission confirm that 44-year-old Andrew Carlssin offered the bizarre explanation for his uncanny success in the stock market after being led off in handcuffs on January 28. "We don't believe this guy's story -- he's either a lunatic or a pathological liar," says an SEC insider. "But the fact is, with an initial investment of only $800, in two weeks' time he had a portfolio valued at over $350 million. Every trade he made capitalized on unexpected business developments, which simply can't be pure luck. "The only way he could pull it off is with illegal inside information. He's going to sit in a jail cell on Rikers Island until he agrees to give up his sources." The past year of nose-diving stock prices has left most investors crying in their beer. So when Carlssin made a flurry of 126 high-risk trades and came out the winner every time, it raised the eyebrows of Wall Street watchdogs. "If a company's stock rose due to a merger or technological breakthrough that was supposed to be secret, Mr. Carlssin somehow knew about it in advance," says the SEC source close to the hush-hush, ongoing investigation. When investigators hauled Carlssin in for questioning, they got more than they bargained for: A mind-boggling four-hour confession. Carlssin declared that he had traveled back in time from over 200 years in the future, when it is common knowledge that our era experienced one of the worst stock plunges in history. Yet anyone armed with knowledge of the handful of stocks destined to go through the roof could make a fortune. "It was just too tempting to resist," Carlssin allegedly said in his videotaped confession. "I had planned to make it look natural, you know, lose a little here and there so it doesn't look too perfect. But I just got caught in the moment." In a bid for leniency, Carlssin has reportedly offered to divulge "historical facts" such as the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and a cure for AIDS. All he wants is to be allowed to return to the future in his "time craft." However, he refuses to reveal the location of the machine or discuss how it works, supposedly out of fear the technology could "fall into the wrong hands." Officials are quite confident the "time-traveler's" claims are bogus. Yet the SEC source admits, "No one can find any record of any Andrew Carlssin existing anywhere before December 2002." Weekly World News will continue to follow this story as it unfolds. Keep watching for further developments.”


25 March 2003

What have we gotten into?
Look at this news about the war and Russians

"Fox News"

"E-mail about the news on Fox News"

It details the Russian delivery of GPS jammers.
Infra-red night vision equipment and most importantly,
anti-tank missiles to Iraq over US strong objections.
A Washington Post originator report so it's credible.

This effectively marks the end of the war since the US cannot order its mechanized armor into Baghdad knowing it is so fortified nor can it utilize its vaunted precision-guided weapons. Moreover, the US cannot, as you have pointed out, run up the civilian casualties with alternate use of unguided ordnance, much of which would fall near, but still off-target. In any event such bombing would only replay the North Viet Nam syndrome...the more bombs the more resistance to bombing.
During every war there is a crucial turning point...a matter of moments that determine the rest of the conflict. Vladimir Putin's warning use of the term "Grave mistake" a few weeks back was such a moment. We now know what he meant by a "Grave mistake".
The deep Administration concern could be seen on the President's now uneasy face and it could be heard in the snap remarks from secretary Rumsfeld.
The war is over and the US has lost. Will we just set-up new wells in the South and pump from the large fields just over the border? How could such a condition be remotely acceptable to the rest of the world? Indeed, Baghdad can be re-supplied through Iran if a siege develops.
No, the war planners have made a "Grave Mistake". Best, Mike
I hope Mike is wrong on this one, but it sure is something to keep in mind.


16 March 2003


By Moonlance

Each Of Us Has About Ten Rituals That We Use Ritualistically:
To Shield Us From Being Honest To Our Self, and others.
To Hide From The Things That We Are In Fear Of,
Or From The Possible Pain.

These things serve us by hiding or disguising our pain points (“pain points”, you know the buttons that life pushes) and relieve the anxiety caused from risking the pain and rejection or some other imaginary beast. All of these pain points are shielded from ever being unguarded and exposed to possibly attack.
The most unfortunate thing is that we take it upon ourselves to do the damaging dead to our self just so we can be in control. We need to be in control of the potential damage, if it was allowed that an outsider did the deed to us the risk is to the extreme! So we say to ourselves I do not trust you with the knife because you may stab me! Maybe not! Here give me the knife, or I have the Knife and know where it goes, I can stab me where it hurts less so let me do it!
The only hope is to be honest with our self and return to our prior innocence. Honesty’s path is: To return to that innocence of the child and risk the pain and the anxiety because they are usually carried around within us, and they (the pain) are not always lurking around out there somewhere and not coming from without.
The terms one may use to describe this becoming free of the bonds of fear would maybe be: Step outside of the Box, Draw outside the lines, Break away, Step outside of the circle, which is the one I use the most but there are others.
The point here is that at one time or another you will let go of the fear and the pain even if it literally kills you in the process. Because when death occurs that reckoning always talked about in the moment of death when your whole life flashes before you, ”??” there is the ultimate point of honesty! This being the truth and a fact that this point is not avoidable, speaks to the wisdom of just choosing a better and better way: of responding, of releasing the anxiety, a better behavior, as the anxiety begins to set its self into motion act and do not just react. It is like the analogy of driving the car and putting in the clutch to shift gears, just put in the clutch and choose a different gear than you have been choosing, you know the one that dose work instead of the one that does not work! I believe that the ancient way of facing your own death is their way of going to that point of death and honesty so fear can be put into its proper place of a simple warning bell of real external danger.
The thing about the exercise of filling out the resume to apply for the job of being you, is to isolate and bring into the conscious mind those ten events around which your ten rituals have found the seed bed for grout and have weeded up the garden of your mind and life.
It is most difficult to take time to see and smell the flowers of life when the garden of your mind is suffocated and overgrown with weeds. You must always keep weeding the garden of your mind.
I have tracked things like diminishing eyesight to simply not choosing to see the bad stuff any more and it seams that there is not the good at all. Hearing trouble = not wanting to hear it! Back problems = life is too much a burden. All these chaos fields need only to be confined and the true pattern comes forth in its sacred geometric form.


Construct A New Ten!

Ten That Allows You To Live Your Life Better And Better!


13 March 2003


"Emissary of Light's"

"Emissary of Light's" Pope Petition for Peace



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Dr. Deepak Chopra

...Stepping Out of the War Mentality 10 Ways to Avoid War by Dr. Deepak Chopra

Avoiding war can be at once the simplest and most difficult thing to do. It is simple to see that war is always a failure, a perilous risk that leads to immense misery. But it is difficult to get out of the war mentality once the mind is infected by it. Even anti-war protests can
inflame the war mentality by inciting more stubbornness and resolve on the other side. To be belligerent in the name of peace is a form of war. Therefore the dilemma about over Iraq must be resolved in a way that is neither pro-war nor anti-war. Is this viable?

Recently I was caught by surprise when a newspaper reporter in Memphis said to me," You have stated that there is a creative solution to every problem. What's the creative solution to prevent the bombing of Iraq?" My answer caused a minor stir-both of outrage and support-because I suggested that if Pope John Paul, Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Laureates, and other luminaries went
to Baghdad, bombing would be impossible. My hope was that symbols of peace might be a startling reminder, if they physically traveled to Iraq, that human beings exist for a spiritual purpose higher than war, however justified that war seems.

I'd like to expand on that argument. The war mentality is blinded by fear, which fuels aggression and violence to make the fear go away. That is war in a nutshell. The other rationales are pointless, and when we obsess over them, arguing whether the U.S. is acting as savior, aggressor, imperialist, peacekeeper, world policeman, or cynical oil
power, the net effect is to forget that war is about fear and using violence to "solve" it.

If you step out of the war mentality, there are not just a few creative ways to avoid an invasion of Iraq. There are dozens. If every person who doesn't want war sent in his or her suggestion about a better answer, tens of thousands of replies would flood in. Of these I 'm sure that five or six would be completely workable. Let me mention ten to
begin with:
1. Congratulate President Bush on already succeeding. The presence of U.S. troops around Iraq has called Saddam's bluff. Disarmament has begun. If pressure is kept on with U.S. military presence, in the region, without dropping bombs, further progress will inevitably occur.
2. Assign prominent figures of peace to be present in Iraq constantly, along with the U.N. inspectors. Have these revered figures address the Iraqi people and the world every day on the value of peace.
3. Ask 100,000 well-wishers from around the globe to bring food and aid to Iraq's children. These people would carry humane relief in person to Baghdad.
4. Start a global Peace Corps of volunteers who will go to Iraq with the express purpose of fulfilling any humanitarian need asked for by that country.
5. Offer MTV, CNN, and Nickelodeon free to any Iraq household with a TV. Exposure to the world will make them feel like part of the world.
6. Sponsor 25,000 student exchanges for Iraqi high schoolers so that they can live for a year in Europe or the U.S.
7. Keep a tenfold number of U.N. weapons inspectors on the ground in Iraq and have them report every two weeks.
8. Teach courses in all American schools on the pros and cons of globalization and multiculturalism, as opposed to instilling the false belief that nationalism is going to continue to work (war being a logical and horrendous extension of nationalism).
9. With draw the resented presence of U.S. troops from those regions where seeing an American army uniform inflames simmering hatred.
10. Open Disney World somewhere in the Middle East., a region where up to half the population is under the age of 15. These children are in enormous peril, not just from bombs but from cultural isolation. Let children breathe free air at a place where fun and joy abide. What better way to reduce fear and anger? At the same time, find a way to
expose American children to the children of the world.
Whatever you think of these particular suggestions, the most obvious thing is how easily they arise once you stop being infected by the war mentality. Weapons of mass destruction are disposed of when they are seen as irrelevant. That is what happened with the former Soviet Union. The same can happen in the Middle East once we put our hearts into it. The choice to change history or become its next victim faces us right here, right now.


20 Feb. 2003

A Copy of this was sent out to over 300 people.
The US President!

(This was sent to hundreds by E-mail as an invitation to join The Prime Directive 2-20-2003)

If this is not who you are, reconsider who you think you are because it should be like unto this!
So consideration by you would be needed and a very high form of wisdom!

IF YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE OR IF YOU CLAIM TO BE: A seeker of the truth! A Person Of The Light, to be a person of good report and of spirituality, one of those who think of themselves as a warrior opposing true and real terror and terrorism and against evil.
We, yes You, can no longer afford to stand in privet seclusion, and isolated from the world of pain or in fear of personal pain or retribution.
Remember this from Winston Churchill:
Is this not the same with evil shall evil and its lies not also travel around the world while good is wakening up and getting dressed? Can you afford that second cup of coffee? Evil and the servants of evil are well organized and connected. Like Onsama Ben laden and his Al Qaeda’ terrorist cells that are very well connected all around the world, connected and secretly waiting to strike, to strike in the most terrible and efficient way. Attacking the unsuspecting, even the most unsuspecting and innocent, these are the ones destroyed and maimed.
It is needed and the time is now to form light worker cells to establish connections of good within all countries and races and creeds, colors, beliefs and religions and ways of thinking. All united and communicating by way of a network of power doing good and creating positive change in us as individuals and expanding this change through the entire world and beyond!

Go to The Prime Directive link below to join in this movement for a better world and a better life!

Because “ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT “ This is a needed affirmation!

23 January 2003
A Copy of this was sent out to over 300 people.
The US President on 25 Jan, 2003!

Hi again and happy New Year!

I have just returned from a month long trip out and about stopping by St Croix for a while on the way. Since my last posting I have spent many hours in the air and thousands of miles traveling about our precious earth. As I looked down on the land as it passed below it was more difficult to see a space undeveloped or untouched by man than space that was not. I would see areas where at hundreds of miles an hour it would take at times nearly an hour to see an open space without buildings or pavement encroaching and sprawling and it was usually sectioned off for cultivation. The spaces in between seemed to be only over the large bodies of water or terrain that was self-protected by its natural resistances and rugged disobedience to mans persistence. My thoughts were then to the water and how it looked so pristine; it felt good to feel that. With two thirds of the earth covered in water it could not become subdivisions and pavement. While on St. Croix, my moment of good feelings came back to the truth, and the truth was that even the powerful oceans and sees were in fact being touched and touched hard.
To walk the beach watching and hearing the crashing of the waves it was a toss up whether I would see a wondrous and beautiful mystery of the ocean depths tossed up by the waves or, or something much less wondrous. Softly I would walk the beach with my 18-month-old girl and remembering “walk without leaving foot prints” as the waves erased some while leaving others it amazed me watching her explorations as she examined trash and treasures of the sea within equality not judging between the two. Normally I would see this kind of child-like action as just that child-like! However it did create a question to ponder of long reaching potential. The question is “At what point is the innocence of the child shattered and the reality of the real meaning of the human effect on the planet hit the young, or dose it?” The next thing that follows this direction of thinking is “is that a major problem in society today that as the shattering occurred hopelessness to do any thing set in?” I ask this because of the many years I have traveled with the same message. As I continued to speak this same message it seamed as-though it was understood and yet time reveled those hearing it ether did not understand or did not care because they were doing nothing with it. As computers and other technology is getting faster and faster the wisdom of how to wisely use it is lagging ever so slowly behind the chaos wave all this speed is creating. Its chaos is destroying this small world with precision and so many people just keep on their path without concern for the far
Reaching consequences of the speedy wave of destructive chaos they are surfing on. When I returned home to a hundred or so E-mails a couple were interesting to me because it allowed me to feel it was possible, maybe connections with like minded enlighten-ed and aware people attempting to create another better and better reality was real and possible. As I was preparing to leave St. Croix as the holidays were coming to an end I was in space that allowed hearing things from senators and other representatives preparing to return back to Washington DC. That which I over herd was disturbing as they were speaking in tones and words that reveled their thoughts, those thoughts were to make sure they were back in Washington before the planned war against Iraq was to be waged. The staging was almost complete and would be engaged in or about the first of February. I remember thinking as I listened to these people of the other wars and the results. Tears filled my eyes then as they do again as I am writing it down for you to read.
I may be naive and fumbling as I am working through the steps, as I attempt to bring people together in a positive unified way through “The Prime Directive”. Religions, countries, politics, separatist fear bound belief-systems, boundaries all they are to allowing true freedom within the privilege of being alive. These things need not be reasons to destroy! They can thrive side by side if administered with reason and for-thought
A part of my dreaming and musing is to make it so that the SUN NEVER SETS on the affirmations and prayers from members of “The Prime Directive” as it marches through each time zone and country around the planet earth. It is time and needful to unify in positive peace loving ways the reasonable people of this small biosphere.
In this New Year, I am reforming myself. My resolve is to make and be a part of a better and better world where war and killing are made the history and not looming over the future. I envision love and enlightenment and a place free from constant fear and hopelessness. It would be good if you were joined with others and me to make this a possibility if not for us not then for my 18 month old baby and the others like her looking to us for everything even their very existence in the future.
I take part in daily work on my own and support other efforts when they come to me! Others would also do the same if they knew about it; will you help take it to them? Do you care enough about our now and our baby’s tomorrows, enough to act now and keep on acting daily, weekly, and yearly, for a lifetime and not a one-time event? Life is this and more commitment once, twice, and over and over for as long as you live. My baby girl just awakened in mid sleep and is now in my arms, trusting in a moment in my arms, she is growing fast under the present looming threat of war in our world. Let it not come to destruction please!
Resorting to war means that you are a failure at keeping the peace and through this inept failure have chosen to kill as many innocent ones as is necessary to cover up your failure and get the infamous bad guys. This is not a way to lasting peace and love it is the way to unrighteous dominion and fear. Why is it necessary to kill thousands up on thousands while wasting billions of dollars to avenge the death of a few or even a few thousand? Killing begets more killing revenge begets more revenge. Is this to be a thing where we starve, bomb and destroy all in the way in order to say we won we did it we killed them all in the hope that GOD will sort it out? Because we failed, we failed to live up to the ideals ourselves while those same ideals were being crammed down the throats of the supposed enemy, and the enemy’s wife’s and children? America has usually done these things while lying to the American people to excuse the death of our own families.
As for my friends and family and me WE CHOOSE PEACE!

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4, December, 2002


A big step taken
Congratulations to the future almost Doctor Vikki Hillis.



I have had a personal struggle I do not even know how to describe.
The doctors have altered all the medications I have been using and it horrifically disrupts the body chemistry and function. I have liked the normalization of much of the changes however the joint pain from withdrawal from prednisone steroids can kill you and it has left all of the previous injuries and joints flashing over in constant pain. I can barley use my fingers wrists and shoulders, but this to shall pass.
The baby is growing as they do and is having a good and happy time doing it. We go walk-about and on occasions go see and feed the ducks at the lake. She accompanies dad shopping and walking and doing house work or work in the yard outside or on the computer inside, and building blocks too. We just helped her godfather finish packing to move to the islands, and her godmothers will be in town tomorrow. Her schedule has been thrown way askew the last 10 to 15 days, as mom is as of this day ready to defend her generals and become A.B.D. "all but dissertation", leaving only her dissertation to finish up. So mom has been a blur in and about successfully finishing her general exams.
Doggy, Baby and Daddy have survived though, even if the grass is a bit longer and the house somewhat messy.
Brooke has now had the baby and is in recovery, doing well as one can.
Rachel is moving back to Louisiana soon and is looking forward to doing so; she will be back by the time we return from the islands.
Our friend is living in our house while we are gone, to take care of the plants and all.
It is good to have friends and good watchful neighbors; one being with the police is good too! It allows you to relax a whole lot easer.
A lot of things are out there to molest and make afraid, fall not prey to the fear for this is a time to stand in fearless truth giving up not a twiddle of your power or inner strengths!


Precious souls:
This is an E-mail sent to me 10, 02, 2002. Can you comment on it?
Sent to Paul Begala 12, 4, 2002
NEWS SUB-NOTES something to think about:
They (The U.S. government) say they did not know about the threat to the U.S.A.! To many secrets, just to many lies! Let things get the news coverage and inflame the people to pass the new version of more restrictive laws, then let the news fade and the restrictions stay. Cool plan and it to often works. I remember seeing the news while in south East Asia and it was a wild and vastly different thing than what was being seen first hand and making the comparisons between the two was outrageous.
Another strange thing is that the countries speaking out against the United States and its atrocities, in the U.S. and outside, and the accompanying bullying of the oppressed are saying the same thing as those in the U.S.A. in fear of big brother and losing our rights also
Anyone remember this?? It was 1987!
At a lecture the other day they were playing an old news video of Lt. Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-Contra hearings during the Reagan Administration. There was Ollie in front of God and country getting the third degree, but what he said was stunning! He was being drilled by some senator; "Did you not recently spend close to $60,000 for a home security system?" Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir." The senator continued, trying to get a laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just a little excessive?" "No, sir," continued Ollie. "No? And why not?" the senator asked. "Because the lives of my family and I were threatened, sir." "Threatened? By whom?" the senator questioned. "By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered. "Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly scare you that much?" "His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie replied. At this point the senator tried to repeat the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which most people back th en probably couldn't. A couple of people laughed at the attempt. Then the senator continued. Why are you so afraid of this man?" the senator asked. "Because, sir, he is the most evil person alive that I know of", Ollie answered. "And what do you recommend we do about him?" asked the senator. "Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would recommend that an assassin team be formed to eliminate him and his men from the face of the earth." The senator disagreed with this approach, and that was all that was shown of the clip. By the way, that senator was Al Gore!
Also: Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-called "political prisoners". However, the Israelis would not release any with blood on their hands. The American President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his Secretary of State, Warren Christopher, "insisted" that all prisoners be released. Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and eventually thanked the US by flying an airplane into Tower One of the World Trade Center. This was reported by many of the American TV networks at the time that the terrorists were first identified. It was censored in the US from all later News reports.
Sent to Paul Novac @ crossfire CNN 12/4/02

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3, October, 2002

Ok here is the deal. The next Stonespeak Intensive is set and it shall be during the weekend of the 8th, 9th, 10th, November, in the same location as the last intensive in Covington, La. At 70461 Fourth Street.

The schedule will look like this:
· On the 8th, from 7 to 9 pm, is a short meditation and get to know you with some Q and A time.
· On the 9th, from 10am to 6pm, is information input and up load not much time for open discussion or Q and A.
· On the 10th, from 10am to 6 pm, is hands-on, putting it all together and integrating techniques and a lot more of the Q and A.

There are advance preparations so now is a good time to start! Start with your bio – resume and advance information is available on request. Also read “The Prime Directive” and the “Look Inside a Healers Toolbox” These are the things to start with.

Preparation for Intensive!

This is your investment! Take your future seriously enough to be prepared in advance.

1) Clear your mind of all externals as much as possible.
2) Turn off your cell phones and beepers for the day or leave them in your car.
3) Clear your schedule for the day: (reduce external input)
a. Including the evening after leaving the intensive
b. Give yourself time to process, journal, and assimilate
c. This means avoid chaos type contact with all of the people in your life, as much as possible.
d. No: TV, socializing type of dinner out, or bars for a drink after
e. No making up on phone calls after
4) Because of the environmental sensitivity involved in working with subtle energies. Please No perfume, jewelry, essential oils etc. These all have an effect on subtle energies.
5) Take time for yourself to settle and clear your essence in advance. Still your mind and contemplate what you would like to gain from this intensive, find the time to write it down (make two lists one of the things you would like to fix or remove from your life and one of what you would choose to have in your life). Take a salt and/or vinegar bath the evening or morning before the seminar. Salt is for your physical body and vinegar for the auric body, so both would be good for you.
a. Sit & relax in the tub for 15 to 20 minutes.
b. Use at least 1 lb. of the salt of your choice.
c. Use a full quart of apple cider vinegar
6) You may bring special stones or power pieces that you wish to communicate with or work with during the intensive. Reveal their presence before the starting of the lecture, or let me know in advance by e-mail (with your bio information) that you will be bringing stones, etc.
7) Wear loose comfortable fitting natural fiber clothing. This is a long, intense day of inner and outer work. You may want to bring a pillow or other small comfort creator that you are accustomed to for meditation or for laying upon in your healing work.
8) Avoid heavy foods, alcohol, or excess tobacco after 9:00 pm the night before. Eat an invigorating energy sustaining breakfast. Bring a brown bag lunch because we are not planning an eating out lunch (lets keep the flow intact) and some healthful snacks, light yet sufficient for your needs. Some snacks and drinks may be provided for the short un-scheduled breaks. But be sure to bring your lunch and ANY SPECIAL NEEDS foods, medications, or liquids. Plan on being in one place with only short lunch break during this eight-hour period. This is an intensive your energy output may also be intense.
9) Fill out Your Biographic Resume sheet before coming. Please email your bio sheet to stonespeak@cox.net, or make special arrangements to fax it. Please do this as soon as possible so Larry has time to review your bio info before the intensive. Our contact and fax numbers are the same 225-381-0081. If sending a fax, give us a call in advance so we can switch the machine on. Receipt of your bio as well as your advance payment fulfils your advance registration. Thanks!

Because this is about tools that work!
This is my Guarantee to you!

If you do this:

1. Actually be honest and serious about having a better life.
2. Attend the intensive, open minded, teachable and pay attention.
3. $200 is your investment for this intensive $100 a day to attend.
Note: if money is an issue all you need to bring initially is $50 for both days.
4. Come open and prepared to receive and use the tools.
5. Use the basic affirmations at least once a day for 28 days.
6. Use the specified techniques at least once a week.


I Guarantee this: If you just say it does not work for you.

· Your only cost is limited to
o $25 a day initially paid at the time of the intensive.
o The time it takes to attend the intensive.
o The time to do the specified work for 28 days.
· Note: The remaining cost of the intensive beyond your initial $50 will be canceled or returned to you.


I Guarantee this: When it does work,

1. You shall have a more functional toolbox of working resources.
2. Stonespeak shall continue to provide a resource base and expand it for you and for everyone to use and freely.
3. I shall address your concerns and suggestions honestly and with integrity!
4. This guarantee is based on you finding and proving to yourself that the tools are working for you in at least one of the following ways.
o You notice a positive difference in your life.
o Those with whom you work, live, and love notice a positive difference in your life.
o You notice you are having a noticeable positive difference in those around you.
5. You will receive membership in The Prime Directive



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23, September, 2002

Today I would like to say thanks for all the support I receive from those I love and love me. The ceremony turned out good with 23 people in attendance, and a space of clear sky in the stormy day for the work to be accomplished. It was good for many people and the place where it was held was provided in a place that is not only for sale but beautiful. It is a peaceful place and if you are looking for a pace that is on the river and beautiful then check this one out. Contact Deb or me for a way to contact them or just follow the directions in the archives and go see.
It looks as though the date for my intensive will be later than the 19th. And so now I have to set that time and then it also shall be given to you here in the news.

8, September, 2002

Winston Churchill “ a lie will travel around the world while the truth is putting on its boots “
At times no news is the best news, especially when looking at the 9-11 thing and the supposed external terrorist threat and Americans lack of insight. I marvel at the blindness in our country about this and other things where Americans fail to consider the consequences of America’s actions on a world level let alone at home. I keep receiving E-mails from gung-ho pro Americanism and anti terrorist stuff, with the bad aimed outwardly and the good claimed for the Americans. Where is the being responsible for the truth and our own actions? They say they honor the flag and America; they focus on the dead and the terror from outside the country blind to the truth or with intent they are supporting a lie. Our beloved American government in fact created; Bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, the Ayatollah Khomeni, Moammar Al Khadafi, Fidel Castro, and many others. Tens of thousands of Americans have died at the hands of our government because of these creations; it is by our government’s hands they died! The fact they were in other countries at the time they stopped breathing is coincidental and convent to the powers out of control in our government. Let there be no mistake I have and do believe in and support the principals that are a part of this country! I have personally spent 20% of my life in active military service to you and this country. I have observed the world and the view they have of this to which I speak. I have paid $35 for a hamburger in another country that I could have purchased in the USA at “Mickey “D”s “ for $1. In 1975 I watched in a war zone as Gas was selling for $7 a liter when we were paying 50 to 75 cents / gallon in California. I have watched arrogant Americans waste food in the face of the hungry willing to let a child suffer and die for lack of food, because of the race of color of the child! That my friend was right here in our own America and not only in some far away war zone like that one to which I have spoken. Your country trained me to be a killer and like other things I do I did excel in it. I then returned home knowing the truth and that same government did fail to honor any of the contracts it had made with me, and I my friends am not alone. It is by this same action they created the actions of those on 9-11 and others. They are very quick to silence any who are willing to tell the truth, and in fact they demonize them and enrage the public so they then can silence them forever through death and destruction. All of this while instilling fear in our country, they get us to willingly give up all those things others and I have fought to preserve. This is true terrorism in action right here at home. We rushed to forfeit to fear so much, so much that we can hardly fly the air any more, with a military power in every airport, more domestic terrorism in action. Soon more jobs and airlines will be bankrupt and gone forever by legislation. Homeland security is not protection it is terrorism in action, perpetrated by our legislators against us and not for us. I did not spend 20% of my life in the military to take away your right to be like they are. It is not without reason that these others outside of our country, the terrorists call us the great Satan, just look at the ongoing terror being perpetrated on our own American people by our own people. We are among the worst in death of innocent children and mothers and fathers through domestic terror drugs alcohol abuse and molestation and murder. Right here in Baton Rouge there are almost 40 un-solved murders of young females and the fear to even take a walk runs amok. Many wars have fewer casualties than this, and the answer is to remove more freedom and instill more fear and then institute more control and place more guns on the street in the hands of a more restrictive police state. I do wonder how people think the popular police shows on TV showing police braking the law and bludgeoning citizens in to submission is not only cool but, but what? What about when it will be you on the video being beaten, then what? I attempted to get a large manufacturer of massage tables to donate a couple of tables that were seconds, damaged in manufacture to a project I was doing in Sedona to teach and help some victims of domestic terrorism / abuse. I was teaching them how to feel and do better and earn by helping others. When I asked for the help of this company and provided them with the required credentials and tax information they responded that if I was going to go to the 9-11 area to help them they would give me the tables because it was big and in the limelight, but to help those without any other help, I was on my own. It is not unusual to be turned down in this manor nor is it unusual to watch as all the hype and debauchery take place as the fools and the greedy steal from those they are supposedly helping. The 9-11 thing has raised a lot of money including the president on T.V. to campaign for a college fund for the victim children, when all that it would take is for the money already raised to be given to those it was raised for. The fact is they have not received it nor does it look like they will. It is slowly being siphoned off by those who are charged with its protection while those in need loose their homes and hope and only a select few are showered with news worthy attention. This my friends is terrorism in action, outsiders did bring down the towers, and on the first day the fire fighters robbed yes stole an American flag out of the harbor, recieved honor for the theft while the owners of the flag were demonized for attempting to see that the flag stayed in a place of honor! Why? This my friends is why I formulated “The Prime Directive” so that real things shall be accomplished by us and the few cents asked of you. Many say they are good and want to do good yet do they? Not in truth! I grow weary waiting for people to stand up and claim their own power and place it into real action in stopping the rape and pillage of the soul of the earth and the individual. Starting with the one that is you. Stop the dishonesty with yourself and take real action to change or change shall not be! If you are in fact attempting to be and do good then take up the flag of truth because if you are good and do nothing you concede to the evil and evil then shall continue to win! I LOVE AND DEFEND THIS LAND AND THE PRINCIPLES FOR WHICH IT STANDS! DO YOU?

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This week:28, Aug.

A very special event only once a year opportunity!
Contact Debra Sholly at 225-752-0893 E-mail dsholly@bellsouth.netfor details about this ceremony
being held on 21st. Sept. 2002

From Covington: Take interstate 12 to Denham Springs. Exit on Range Rd. Go right. Pass Florida Blvd. Approximately 7 to 8 miles look for 1019. You will turn left. 4th street on your right is Bear Cave. Turn right and go all the way to the end. There will be a circle. Turn right onto gravel road. When gravel road splits, turn right and take your first left into driveway. Please don't park on the grass. The drive is very long with enough room for all. My cell # is 324-9156.
From Baton Rouge: Take interstate 12 to Denham Springs. Exit Range Rd. Turn left and go under interstate. Cross Florida Blvd. Approximately 7 to 8 miles look for 1019.
Turn left. 4th street on your right is Bear Cave. Turn right and follow to the end of road. You will come to a circle. Turn right onto gravel road. When gravel road splits, turn right and take your first left into driveway. Please don't park on the grass. The drive is very long with enough parking for all. My cell# is 324-91


Ok here’s My deal, on the19th Of October there shall be another Stonespeak Intensive!

The location of the intensive is to be set at later time, within about a week. The first intensive was to set a foundation in the work for you to build from by sharing specific techniques to add to your toll box. This next intensive shall take on a new facet where the first day will be similar to the last intensive and the second day will be filled with interaction and hands on experiential doing of the work. This second day shall be the place where you do the work and learn to integrate the methods together and shift from one to the other to facilitate the continuity in the movement of energy for the healing at hand. Those of you with the first hand contact with this work know the simplicity and profound potency of the work is at times indescribable. This is because it was designed for the show me side of all of us. This is an experience results oriented work. There is not a lot of memorization of method; it is adaptive and dynamic with the simple continuity of motion to a positive end RESULT!
Look for readings and mindset mini seminar to be arranged at synchronicity prior the 19th. Intensive

14, Aug. 2002


Much good and positive response and input from the intensive! The feedback is vast and positive I see the experience as a great success and much thanks is the word to those that made it possible to bring to this level. SO MANY THANKS! I with my imagery and elusion through my understanding and color of the truth did attempt to create, and I created a diligent attempt at presenting to the world that which spirit has been relaying to me throughout much of my lifetime. A take your best shot kind of thing at best despite some times years of contemplation on my part, and I have learned more accurately what that message spirit would have me share looks like. So I have on a consistent basis shared the teachings, yes all those things I did share, as they became known to me. I have at times found myself frustrated and at times angry that some one had taken those things I shared with them and used them to become famous and wealthy without a hint of acknowledgement of me or my even existing. As soon as I had those thoughts I would chastise myself and condemn the arrogant pride within me knowing, that is not I or what I am about. I to have had to deal with the no resources to thrive or at times even survive. As I observed these person becoming wealthy from that which I yes that I the Big scary I that frightened I the survivor little mouse I, I gave it from spirit and me to them while I was starving and they gave back not a thing to help me or my children I asked why? I guess I left some fingerprints on the gift, so to ask why was to no avail. Well I now have a better understanding of WHY. The reason has been a thing I have known all along TRUST NOT! This is not to just say trust not, instead it is to say, "TRUST NOT", MEANS, QUALIFY EVERY THING, AND EVERY ONE, EVERY TIME, and NO EXCEPTION! This is because people and circumstances are always in flux and changing because of the same reason as they all change I can assume nothing, ever! 'Watch for the expansion of this theme it is critical and forthcoming, soon!' However because of or in spite of all of this, at this time I am answering a call to step forward in ways not before allowed and I am inundated with patches and new drivers to upload into the program I am writing for you the and world to have and use as a tool that is guaranteed to work. Also. I have about a months worth on typing in just new and revised concepts to expand and clarify things I am sharing with each of you and the world. Spirit has been having me do things for 20 to 30 years now from about 1979-80 with purposeful intent, before that I just was, and the ever-vigilant observer and student. Note: this is a definition, "Shadow Walker" a term I coined to describe a person or soul that is not dedicated and consecrated to the service of the light regardless of the dimension they occupy. (See the toolbox definition for a detailed description coming this weak also see the "Vampire Principle"; another descriptive term of mine.) It has become clear as crystal that to qualify some one is critical because Shadow walkers are amongst us. That makes others workers of the light or friends and family potential shadow walkers of a sort also and require assessment before I can trust them with my soul or body. The intensive went well over all and the three sessions after became synchronized and profound. I tracked a huge chaos matrix to where I think is the source and it is "the interface matrix" and allot of other smaller yet seemingly huge ones are within it Like disconnection, communication, and more to explain later keep a look out. It is what I could call a "master control matrix". Any-way are you coming to meditation tonight? If so let me know OK, I had thought about canceling however it would break the flow and Saturn would not like that and I must not perturbed Saturn? Saturn does like every "I" dotted and "T" crossed you know! Talk to you later call me, e-mail me or use the form, do it when you get this and let me know if you are planning on being here, you know the BIG HERE! I AM.

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9 Aug. 2002

I could not get the map to open here but this is the address:

70461 Fourth Street
Covington, La 70433

From I12 to US-190 go North, to Harrison Av., then east a right turn to fourth, right on fourth to 70461 on the right side.


06, aug 2002

Things are progressing nicely for the 10th.The intensive has a specific location and a map shall be posted later today. Keep an eye on the police news and test the work!


6,Aug. 2002

Well flattop made his attempt and verified claming to be a police officer and was prevented. And is slipping up as we speak will the police be as on as the healing? They could catch him in less than four days! Will they? In healing the work can be short circuited by others intent so lets stay vigilant ok!

P.S. Be not surprised if Flattop has a snake [or what looks like a snake] tattoo on his arm, most likely his right forearm!

31, July 2002

Well it is a week from the 24 of July and there has been a black woman killed and just what is it that is being said by the police department through the media?

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29, July, 20002

Well the speed is full and the intensive is becoming very intense! I thought I would take a brake from the preparations this last three days and attend a seminar to do some of my one inner work. Brake? Not! This weekend just facilitated another shift. The intensive shifted as far and as fast as I did. So back on board and hang on for a jump, to light speed.

24,july, 2002

Every thing in preparation is moving along better and better. This is where the updates and alike will be available as I can get them loaded into the site. Extensions from the up coming Intensive will be expanded and include; Construction of power peace's, wands and other subtle energy tools from natural materials and stones and crystals and how to use them. The full frame view of the ancient art of laying on of stones. The prime Directive and its real meaning and potential impact on us all. Masters Touch Therapy Learning to touch as a Master getting to the route of the physical through spirit, mind and touch.

This is being posted in the morning of the 25 of July, after the meditation of the 24,

This is a news message and a test!

The segment of the news is a little bit different. Normally would not bring this type of information out into a public venue. However! Today the chief police Baton Rouge was in a conference with a bunch of people concerning some 30 odd murders in town. During a question-and-answer session he-was asked a question by an individual that called in, she ask if they had consider using the help of a psychic. The chief police's response was a response offensive to my sensitivities. He responded in such a way as to demonstrate contempt for anybody with a spiritual connection. He recounted where the Police Department had hired a psychic once and paid $500 to her. As he recounted the story he indicated that information given by the psychic was so vague that would apply to large population of the state. He also stated on public television that there has never been a psychic that has ever given any valid help to any Police Department anywhere. Not only was his statement offensive to many I found it a very arrogant stance especially with 30 unsolved murders in the city that he seams clueless about. A lot of people feel that if the Police Department had revealed some of the facts that they did know that some of people might not have died.
Part of what I am recounting happened out of preparation for the up-and-coming intensive. It's so happened that the meditation that we held was already focused on healing work. Part of the meditation is always focused on Earth healing which includes removing negativity in whatever form we find it and transform its matrix into a more positive form.
On the 24th meditation we focused on bringing light into the unrighteous dominion matrix. This is matrix that murders and other unrighteous dominators tap into for their energy that sustains them in their deeds. As a way of sharing with the people that are going to becoming to the intensive I decided to share part of what happened that meditation.
The part I would like to share was the vision, the psychic vision obtained through the meditation. In this vision and through the information exchange it was revealed that there are at least two serial killers. One whose focus is on darker whites women and the other on black females. There are at least three black females that the one serial killer who is probably a black man and also new personally at least two of the women. And this one it was shown to me would kill within a week to 13 days. S a black female shall die in one weak to thirteen days.
The other serial killer a white male that if you were to create a cartoon figure of him that figure would be like into the criminal flat top from Dick Tracy cartoons. What I'm saying here is that when they capture this particular serial killer he will look a great deal like this cartoon figure flat top. He has police affiliation and is a police officer worked undercover or was a police officer and very familiar with their procedures. He also worked as a security guard either because he could not be a police officer and more or as a part-time job. He's arrogant and has no tolerance for a woman who stands up for herself or shows any strength or is the leader of a cause.
Part of the worked we did on an Earth healing level was to attach to this man's arrogance the energy that would create the effect of stepping on a banana peel. This is to say his arrogance will make him slip up. This flat top personal will try to kill again during this same weak to thirteen days, but the wariness of his target will probably prevented it. Note here the wariness is the protection and healing effect of the meditation and earth healing. I'm also predicting as a psychic that the Police Department will begin to reveal information to substantiate much of what I'm writing here by the end the month. The Baton Rouge news can be copied from stonespeak news fairly closely. And it will be close enough to assure the truth of these statements. In addition within the healing request in this situation was that this flat top serial killer would reveal himself and the cops would finally get it and get him and hopefully this will happen before the intensive on the 10th but it may take up the month. If the cops catch the slips provided by our healing work flat top shall be captured before the tenth and before he can kill again the reason for the intensive is to give people tools to work, tools that they can believe in. This then is the reason for me making these statements. It is to have in writing, on Stonespeak’s web site the predictions that will give them reference points that when you do Earth healing and uses the techniques that I'm going to share with them the results to happen are not but a miracle. In short, results do happen wither the chief police acknowledges them are not. So just for now it is a let us see, and we shall find out just how accurate of a psychic and how effective as a healer that I am and that the techniques I use are.

This is a test!

20, July, 2002


Saraswati is the cover on 16 / 29 July issue and her poppa was on the Feb.. 12 / 24 issue. Both issues touched on our life with accuracy in the issue 12 / 24 Feb.. the Saving the system focused on health care and the challenges needing to be addressed to build new facilities. This is the message I have focused on in the field of alternative medicine and the attempt to integrate it in to the broader western medicine domain in cooperative function. Saraswati covered saving babies with a new gas to support premature babies and being what they call a 34 weaker or in other words born 6 weeks early they had special gases on hand at her birth incase they were needed. Which as she arrived kicking and screaming proclaiming her arrival with such intensity so as to remove all doubt as to wither she need the special gases. So how do we save the system we are in called the third rock from the sun, tera-ferma, planet earth, and our local system as well? Well again see The Prime Directive! Do it in addition to all else you are doing and it shall all be better and better.


20, July, 2002


.....Part and parcel of the news is the preparations for the next couple of month’s activities. As previously stated in the news this summer is to be somewhat intense. Starting with an intensive to be held in the Covington area on the 10 of Aug. from 10 am. To 6 pm. Then possibly late September as things develop a trip is being planned to include Salt Lake City via San Antonio, and Sedona. This journey shall be to do therapy on friends and clients in Sedona area and three intensives for The Prime Directive, in San Antonio, Sedona and Salt Lake. On this journey I plan to be in the company of Saraswati and possibly my good friend Bruce Fielding. This journey is to meet wit a long time business associate and friend Mr. Fehr whom I have not seen for a number of years while he was working in Europe and Africa and about. The times and other specifics to follow for each event as they solidify.

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22, 05, 2002

It is into May now. The Karuna seminar was a remarkable success all things considered. One of the Karuna masters, encountered a family emergency and was unable to attend the seminar. Much good wishes continue to flow to her and her situation!

 I choose at this time to thank all of those for their participation in the seminar bringing about its success.

             It is our desire and wish to continue to teach and share the ways of utilizing our spiritual connections to make life and our earth a better and better place!
            Our new and most recent objectives and plans with regard to teaching and sharing is to present some sessions on the use of stones and crystals in our lives. It is our desire to utilize the elements of earth and the vibration they carry to allow us to improve and make our lives better and better in the process. A great deal of interest has been shown in the New Orleans area for me to teach about crystals and how I use them. The seminar which will probably be a three-day event starting on a Friday evening, extending through the weekend. In this intensive general information about stones and crystals and how I use them will be supplemented by hands-on observation of crystal layouts and sessions with individuals. This intensive will be scheduled for the latter part of June. Details will follow on this site and with Flyers in the weeks to come.
             At this present time, of major concern and focus is "The Prime Directive" the implementation of The Prime Directive! The web site, and the actual name that shall be going forth is all under reconstruction at this time. There is not a better time or a greater need than now for people of the world to come together with such a program as the prime directive and all it represents. A major recruitment including intensives and seminars with regard to the prime directive and what it means to us shall be implemented and brought forth within the next 90 days. Nothing likened to it has been brought forth before. Anyone claming to be good, positive , loving, or a number of other positive things now have an excuse no longer! It is simple, easy, and do-able. So let us just do it!
             All other news at this time is that it is that time of year when public school is out. This harkens a time of change in my family life. Vikki shall be shifting in time, and in space refocusing on a greater intent. She shall be intensely engaged in the process of writing that which must be written for her general exams completion and her final dissertation and defense. This all with-in lifestyle alterations of motherhood shifting from teacher of strangers, to student, mom and life in general.
            The effect on Larry will be multifaceted. Because of the schooling situation that Vikki has been submerged in having to be mother to strangers she now shall be becoming more intimately involved as a mother with her own daughter, Sarawati. This meaning a number of things to Sarawati and her father. This will require me to be absent and allow the bonding process to coalesce between mother and daughter. The absence that will be required to accomplish this will enable me the free time to pursue the prime directive, the crystal intensives, and to resume travel back to Sedona and other parts, for the purpose of teaching and doing healing work. I am looking forward to successful implementation of that which I have spoken and am thankful to all those who are always so supportive of me.
            Vikki shall require a great deal of time alone to complete her writing, and will also require Sarawati and her papa to be quiet within the home or create quiet by going outside the home to play and have adventures. So it is and it shall be that many adventures await Sarawati and Larry in the months to come. Many of said adventures shall be that Miss Sarawati and her papa shall be together in the adventures of preparing and teaching and sharing. thank you, very much! Larry and Sarawati!

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15, 03, 2002
Sedona Reiki Masters Institute
Presents a ”KRUNA” Reiki Experience April 18th through the 22nd
The Sedona Masters Institute in conjunction with local Healers presents a
"Kruna Reiki Seminar"; featuring, Two “Sedona, Karuna” Reiki Master Teachers.
Available by appointment through this seminar:
Open Discussion & Evening Meditation!
Personal Healing Sessions!
Instruction and attunements in Karuna Reiki!
(A three-day course leads to your attunement)
(Due to qualifications and limited class size pre-registration is required.)

LARRY at 225-381-0081 or ANITA at 985-951-7737
See Larry’s (BIO) and more here on his web site
See Diane’s web site at, Love and Light Healing

Diane & Larry’s Introduction and Meditation will be held
in Baton Rouge on April 18th from 7pm to 9pm at 2005 Olive St.
in Mandeville on April 19th from 7pm to 9pm at 1402 N. Causeway Blvd. #1401.
Appointments for personal healing sessions available; April 19, 20, 21, 22 from 12 am to 7pm
Sessions last one hour. For scheduling contact
LARRY at 225-381-0081 or ANITA at 985-951-7737
Karuna Reiki ® is trademarked by the Center for Reiki Training and copyright William L. Rand © 1995-2001

1 0, 03, 2002

It seams as though Dell finally did right by us. It dose appear that the 8200 is in-fact an 8200 with equal to or better internal workings than the 8100 had. I am still having much challenge with compatibility. Most all software other that that which came with the 8200 has some additional work to get it to work and at times it dose not ever work. Most software companies have taken a wait and see attitude concerning making there software compatible with XP. However the system is functioning well other wise


24, 02, 2002


Well, Well, Well! Guess what now? Dell!
Well Dell sent us a new tower. On the outside it says 8200 yet the Dell technicians say it is an 8100 in there records they said it would be exactly as ordered it is far from it an entirely XP environment with far different components than was ordered yet is seams to function properly thus far.
We are now connected to cable, what a difference in speed the computer now uses its 1.8 gig speed.
Working on the web is at least ten times quicker.
I am moving slowly in the re-establishment of programs and alike and taking my time in reconnecting to the whole computer / web world. My primary focus is The Prime Directive and a seminar for Karuna Reiki to be held here in Baton Rouge the ten days following the 17th of April.
More to come may include a news letter and an on site interaction with an western astrologer and "I Ching" monthly

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06, 02, 2002

It turns out that Dell is sending me a new tower assembly. After replacing 4 hard drives, 2 CPUs, 2 mother boards.
Remembering back to the time we ordered the 8100 they did not offer or allow 98 as an option on the 8100 and they are still not allowing it. I did request a system swap on the new tower, all of this for not. Brook is bringing her 98 graphics setup over to work out some glitches and compare after taking the 8100 to XP and if it fails VIKKI and me have already decided that we are going to wipe the hard drive and install 98. Xp does seam to be more stable than ME., with less software incompatibilities. I will have both a new tower and an XP Home upgrade in about 3 weeks. I suppose that then we shall know! Should you be in possession of a dimension 8100 with ME-Xp I am at this time gathering data to create a stream of information on the system and its foibles and idiosyncrasies? I am planning to use 2001 and flash 4&5 and paint shop pro 5&6&7.

Send input By E-mail to:
Thank you!

05, 02, 2002

Well it has been a trip through a brier patch from the last news up-date. Spent about another 30+ hrs. On the phone with dell, wiped the hard drive 19 times replaced the CPU and hard drive (that totals 4 HD's, 2 CPU's & 1 Mother board). At least they are sending a new tower it is obsolete now a $2000 sys., you could get 5 months ago for $800 plus a bout 1,000 hrs on the phone, but maybe it will work? Maybe? So now we wait for 5 to 10 business days of additional down time for a replacement. Cause for celebration!
I did meet with the Healer and she was a grand experience. I shall get a bio from her and post it later. L&L&Bliss Larry


02, 02, 2002

Well I apologies for what may seem a bit grumpy news. I have just started the 5th system reformatting and installing procedure on my brand new dimension 8100 Dell with ME. This is all sense the replacement of the hard drive (now on #3), The CPU, & Mother Board! Needless to say I am becoming a bit grumpy about now. The thing that is vexing the most is I have lost all, YES ALL of my bookmarks to forums, chat rooms' e-mails received & addresses & names of people contacting me. Should you have been one to contact me through Stonespeak@earthlink.net or Stonespeak@sedona.net Please re contact me at Stonespeak@stonespeak.zzn.com, through the contact us page here on stonespeak. I have not intentionally disregarded your messages and if you have been in contact through one of the chat rooms or forums I have visited please help me to reconnect with them also, and you. I have had to borrow a computer to do the little I have been able to do. I have not been able to maintain the chat room at all I am but a visitor there my self at this time. I am hopeful that I shall be operating a functional computer in a matter of hours now? I did say HOPEFULL. Now for a bit of good news Vikki, Saraswiti and me attended a good mediation / party tonight and had fun and met a new healer. I am going to have a session with her and shall report back. L&L&Bliss Larry

January, 29th., 2002

Well my new hard drive lasted a whole two weeks. I almost got the software installed. Almost! I suppose that things are working out????? The Baby is 16# and 27 in. tall Crawling and wanting to walk. She want s food from the table now at least a taste here and there.

January, 23rd 2002

Ck out the new toy, the quotes on the Larry's bio NEW!

A slow down in work. Well a major slow down in computer work. It seams that we are still at square one even after a hard drive change and presently troubleshooting the CPU / Mother board. So I am borrowing a computer use for posting this up date. It is a work in progress you know.


I have continued to experience computer demons, we changed the configuration settings and the thing now thinks it is a server. We are in hope that this move shall resolve the challenge.
Stonespeak.com is Growing as I hope we all are. "The Prime Directive" is developing and becoming better and better. And again!


Well I am now back in Baton Rouge and it was an interesting visit to Sedona. I shall be in the chat room again and I will be glad to talk about the trip! It was good to be back in Sedona yet it is also good to be back in Baton Rouge. I did miss my baby girl and family.
Hello again Saraswati is getting her teeth now, and she is doing the teething thing very calmly
Have had a challenge with the computer and had to wipe the hard drive and start over which caused some delays.
Larry plans to be in the Stonespeak chat room evenings @ 8 PM. starting Monday the 26th of Nov., see you there.

Well much has passed. Now The Prime Directive is in action and in evolving quickly.
A large change in Stonespeak.com with more to come soon :)

"Return to the Sacred"
" The Light & Perfect Love & Perfect Trust & Seeking Bliss!"
"Just BE IT!"
"Just Do IT!"

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