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Beliefs and Thoughts

Firstly may I say that any comments I make here are not meant to offend, but are simply my personal beliefs.

I believe in only good. Evil is in the eye of the beholder. There is no right or wrong. It leads you the way that is best for you, but there is no universal right and wrong. Each soul has a different capacity for "right and wrong" and each soul must choose for one's self.


I believe that if you are nice to people, and make sure that you aren't hurting anyone, you will have a pretty good and happy life. If you send out something good, it will return good three fold. If you send out something bad, it too will return to you three fold.

I BELIEVE IN GOD, not in Religion. I believe that all persons on this beautiful world of ours have the right to believe in God and express their belief in whatever manner or through whatever religion they choose.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, the bad and the good

I believe that the negative things that happen to people are there to teach us certain lessons about life.

I believe that everyone is here to ultimately learn to be the best person they can, and to give love and receive it, and be the most compassionate that they can.


I believe that being flexible in life is very important.