Mandi's Flowerbed And How It Blossomed When She Met Her "Heavenly Angel"
Mandi's Flowerbed of Poems
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Here Are Some Poems That I Have Written In Times Of Heartache, And In Times Of Love With My Loving Husband

These poems are put here for you to read and enjoy.  I hope that maybe some of these poems speak to you and touch you in some way as they have me!!!

I Love You!!!


"I love you" means so much when it comes from with in the heart and is said with sincerity.


Anyone can say "I love you" but, it takes someone special like you to take the time to show their love for someone.


When I said "I love you" for the first time I meant that I'd love you for forever.


The first time I heard you say "I love you" it sent chills down my spine and for the first time in my life I knew that it would be for forever and always.


I may NOT be the woman you pictured yourself with but, one thing that will stand true for all eternity is "I love you."


One thing I do know with out a doubt is that we are both blessed to have each-other to love on Valentines Day!!!



Everyday I spend with you and have you in my life is Valentines Day to me!!!








My love for you has no boundaries

I will love you until the end of time

No matter what you do

Or what you say

My heart will always beat a special way

for you and you alone


My love for you is not seasonal

it burns for you 24 hours a day

7 days a weak

and 365 days a year


A love like yours is rare to find

you are and always will be one of a kind

my love for you has no beginning and no end

though I know your heart has been broken

If you open your heart and let me in I will make  your heart mend


Love is true

Love is kind

Love is unconditional especially when it comes to

your heart and mine


Never once did I think or even imagine that something so simple such as a bud

 Would turn into something so special and so beautiful such as a beautiful flower

Like a rose!!!


As I close my eyes at night I ask myself

how in the world did I manage to find such a special love as yours

who not only loves me for who I am

But who has a heart of gold

And who is not afraid to share it with mine


You are and always will be not only

the keeper of my heart but also

the keeper of my stars



Sweet Angel Of Mine



Sweet angel of mine when I first heard your angelic voice it brought tears to my eyes

You are the sunshine who brightens up my day

Who turns my frown upside down

I love you


You are the one who I want to share my dreams with

Who I want to see every morning when I wake up and

Every night before I go to bed

I love you


Everything you say to me sweet angel of mine even the small things mean so much to me

I will cherish everything you say and do for me in my heart

For all eternity

As I hope that you will do the same with what I say and do for you

I love you


I   want to be there to love you

To hold you close in my arms and let you know that you are safe in the arms of love

To wipe the tears from your eyes and reassure you that everything will be alright

Most importantly I want to be the one you feel you can trust

As well as be the one to teach you how to love yourself

I love you


No matter what you do, where you are sweet angel of mine you will for always and forever be in my heart

Because of one very special and simple reason, that is because I will

Always love you

Alone In The Dark


As I sit here alone in the dark with no one to talk to I ask myself "why?" "Why Me?"and all I hear is the same question echoing back at me over and over again as though I was listening to a broken record.

As I sit here alone in the dark I wonder what it would be like to have someone I could confide in, someone I could turn to for advice, someone I could trust as well as someone I wouldn't mind going the distance for!!! As I sit here cold, alone and with tears running down my cheeks I get on my knees and pray asking the lord to please send someone who will hold me close in their arms, who will wipe the tears from my eyes and reassure me that everything will be alright.  

All that I have ever wanted was for someone to show me how love, show me the meaning of affection and who would reach out their hand in time of need and guidance.

Through the years I have learned to stay shy and keep my mouth shut, not say a word and stay backed into my little corner.

It was the only way I could keep myself from getting beat or critisized.  As I sat there alone in the dark with tears running down my cheeks I was blessed by God With the presence of a Heavenly Angel.

He at last sent someone down to show me the love, guidance, reassurance, and affection that I had been yearning my whole life.  He is now my husband. 

Everyday, I go through life asking myself "Was it me?" "What did I do to deserve to be alone in the dark?!!" although it has been a struggling battle someday, through time you, like I have, will realize it wasn't you nor was it anything you did

                                  THE DAY I MET YOU




The day I met you was the day all my hopes, dreams and fantasies came true and the day I realized that "LOVE" really does exsist





Every morning as I awake I realize how lucky of a girl I am to have someone like you in my life to call my sweetheart.




As I tuck myself into bed I find myself looking out my bedroom window up at the stars and thanking them for bringing us together and wishing you a very special good-night as well as hoping that you have sweetdreams like I have about you.




Everything you do even the small things which to most people wouldn't or dont' mean

that much seems to always amaze me and bring a smile to my face

because they are from you and you alone 


No matter where you are, or what you do you will for always and forever be in my heart because of one  reason, and one reason only; I  love you.



Heavenly Angel



Heavenly angel of mine you are the brightest star that shines in my sky at night.


The moment I laid eyes on you and heard your voice I knew

that you were truly an angel sent from above


Many times I have cried myself to sleep because the love

we hold for each other is truly a gift

from heaven


As I hold you close I look back at all the times I prayed

to God and asked that he would send me someone who was caring, compassionate, sensitive, loving, genuine, sincere, and romantic

Never did I expect he would send me down a heavenly angel who would fulfill all my hopes, dreams as well as fantasies

and most importantly love me the way that you do and who would show me the gentleness that you have shown me


You have and you always will be the light at the end of my tunnel.


I never really believed in angels! but, since you have entered into my life

there is no doubt in my mind that angels don't exsist.


You have blessed me with a new kind of love.  A love that I never knew exsisted

and for that I couldn't thank you more my heavenly angel


You may wonder why I call you my heavenly angel well, I will tell you

it's quite simple.  I call you my heavenly angel for

the simple fact of when I had lost all hope of ever finding love in a man

you blessed me not only by your presence but, with your love as well


One thing I ask as well as hope is that you didn't hurt yourself

when you fell from heaven into my arms and heart


"I Love You My Heavenly Angel!!!" 

You Are.......................

You are my fire when I need to keep warm

You are my strength when I am weak

You are the milk that does my body good

You are the wind beneath my wings

You are the sand between my toes

You are the reason I wake up every morning with a smile on my face

You are the one who brings tears of happiness to my eyes

You are the voice I hear in my ear when I have doubts about anything

You are the air I breathe that keeps me alive

You are the reason why I look forward to going to bed at night

You are my other leg when I need more stability

You are the man that I have dreamed living my life with for all eternity

You are the one whom I made love with for the first time

You are and ALWAYS will be my soulmate

You are the one whom I took vows to and whom I vowed to share my life with

You are my counselor when I need guidance

You are the one whom I fell deeply inlove with

You are the one who's voice I hear that hypnotizes me

You are the one who's face I want to see every morning when I wake up

You are my heavenly angel who showed me the true meaning of love

You are my shoulder when I need one to cry on

You are my bestfriend

You are the light that shines when my life seems to be dark

You are my sounding board when things just haven't gone right and I need to vent

You are the light at the end of my tunnel

You are the path that redirects me when I start to go astray

You are what leads me home

You are the one who does and always will hold the key to my heart



"I Love You Because You Are......................YOU!!!!!"
