Nobody likes to see a drunk on the dance floor and you should never drink and drive! Cocktails and highballs can be fun but drink them responsibly, have a designated driver and for EVERYBODY's sake if you do drink give a non-drinking friend your keys.
With that said ...
here's some old new-fashioned favorites
when a gin & tonic
just won't do!
Cosmopolitan "Happiness is finding two olives in your martini when you're hungry."
-- Johnny Carson, 1960
1 1/2 oz. Absolut Citron, 1/2 oz. Cointreau or Triple Sec, Splash of lime juice & cranberry juice

Shake with ice, Serve up in a chilled Cocktail glass or on the rocks, Garnish with a lime wedge
Hennessey Martini
1 3/4 oz. Hennessey, Splash of Lemon Juice

Shake with ice, Strain into a chilled Cocktail glass, Garnish with a lemon twist
Between the Sheets
3/4 oz. each; Rum, Brandy, Cointreau, Splash of Lemon juice or Sour mix

Blend with ice, Strain & Serve up in a chilled Cocktail glass
"I've never been drunk, but often overserved."
- George Gobel -
1 1/2 oz. Gin or Vodka, Splash of Lime Juice

Stir with ice & Serve on the rocks in a Lowball or Strain into a chilled Cocktail glass, Garnish with a Lime wedge
Old Fashioned
2 oz. Whiskey or Bourbon, Splash of Simple Syrup, Bitters & Soda

Fill rocks glass with ice, Add simple syrup, bitters, liquor & soda, Garnish with a flag, For Muddled variation: Muddle orange slice & cherry in bottom of rocks, glass, with simple syrup, bitters, add liquor & splash of soda
Champagne Cocktail
Dash of Bitters & Simple Syrup, Chilled Champagne

Put dashes in Champagne glass, Fill with Champagne, Garnish with a twist
Chocolate Covered Cherry "Beer is not a good cocktail-party drink, especially in a home where you don't know where the bathroom is."
- Billy Carter -
Equal parts of: Grenadine, Kahlua, Baileys

Layer in exact order in a pony glass
Pousse Cafe
Equal Parts of: Sloe Gin, Anisette, Green Creme de Menthe, Blackberry Brandy

Layer into a Pony or Shot glass
Pink Lady
1 1/2 oz. Gin, Cream, Dash of Grenadine

Shake with ice, Strain into a Champagne saucer or Flute
Golden Cadillac
1 oz. Galliano, 3/4 oz. White Creme de Cocoa, Cream or Ice Cream

Shake with Cream & ice, Strain to serve up, or Omit ice & Blend with Ice cream for Frozen variation.
Gibson Martini "My grandmother is over eighty and still doesn't need glasses. Drinks right out of the bottle."
(Henny Youngman)
2 oz. Gin or Vodka, Dash of Dry Vermouth*

Stir with ice & Strain into a chilled Cocktail glass, Garnish with skewered Cocktail onions, *Omit vermouth if ordered dry.
Gin Ricky
1 1/4 oz. Gin, Splash of Lime juice, Club Soda

Serve over ice in Highball glass, Top with Splash of Soda, Garnish with lime wedge.

Blue Martini
1 1/2 oz. Gin, 1/2 oz. Dry Vermouth, 1/2 oz. Blue Curacao

Shake well with ice and strain into martini glass. Garnish with a lime twist.
Silver Bullet
1 1/2 oz. Gin, Splash of Scotch

Shake or stir with ice to serve on the rocks, or Strain to serve up in a chilled Cocktail glass.

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Web Author: MJ Kase-Winternheimer
Copyright ©1999 by Lady Jayne's Jewelry Box ("Swing Time" - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED