Police Officer's

Are Police Officers Abusing There Power

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             Police Officers
      First of I want to start of by saying that how much i like police officer's and how they risk there lives everday to protect us. There is just one thing that i dislike abut police officers.Did you ever notice that most police officers are always crossing red lights even when there sirens are not on. I think that that is really unfair because if they dont have any emergency's then they shouldnt have the right to cross the red lights. Sometimes the police officers put on there siren just so that they dont have to wait fot the signal to turn green. They just put it on and people think theres an emergency so the move aside and the police officers just go. If you keep following them they turn of there siren and at the next red light they have it back on. What if one time there driving and they cross a red light for no reason and they crash into a lady who is pregnant. What if the ladies baby dies. Then who will be responsible. The police will probably blame the whole thing on the lady and she will be send to jail. I kind of not like the idea that just because your a cop that you could get away with anything. I mean you could kill some one and the next day you could say it was an accident. They probably would believe you and let you go. We must do something about this. It's not fair and not right either.   

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