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Favourite Son
He came to this world two months late,
Because God had asked him to wait.
He was Heaven's favorite son,
But destined to be like everyone.
His folks perceived his brain in disarray,
Due to the inexplicable birth delay.
So when he grew up with little skill,
They left him out of their will.
He hugged when ought to be punching hard.
For that he's called a mental retard.
God saw all these and got mad,
Struck with lightning the poor lad.
That knocked him out for days on end.
When he came round he's nobody's friend.
Nothing but venom now flows in his vein.
His path to success larded with other's pain.
Thorns have replaced buds in his heart,
But people see that as being smart.
They now tremble at his frown-
The tyrant without the crown.
Now next time someone you should meet
Was so dumb you're full of conceit.
Refrain from making fun,
He may be God's favorite son.
The Philanthropist
       "It's over between you and me,"
       The girlfriend told the philanthropist.
The worlds on and off stage were like twins.
There he was in an audience dressed in silk.
       "But I was nice to you as I could be."
Next to him was a girl, who leaned
Toward him for want of a better view.
He could smell her hair and perfume, and thought
"The Philanthropist" was a perfect deal.
       "So are you to everybody. I can't tell the difference.
       I don't feel unique."
He glanced at her. She gave him a smile, then cast
her eyes back to the stage.
He sighed. Was she just being nice, or he unique?
       As the girlfriend left the philanthropist,
He was left to wonder what might have been.
An Anti-war Concert
The band on stage sings "Twist and Shout"
At a pitch that blows the mind out.
The music so entice the throng,
They begin to act like a rout.
I am propelled to sing along
To the scream meant to be a song.
But you and I cannot deny
Bullets, not songs, fix right and wrong.
Infants with bulging bellies try
To suck bosoms that have been dry.
A mine victim attempts to run
With steel bars hung below her thigh.
We play the rock guitar for fun,
Yet hold it like a Tommy gun.
Our aggression is matched by none,
Our mutual hate is never done. 

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