Sakuragi Hanamichi . ..

          has a very ugly character. He is boorish, obnoxious, offensive, intrusive, a bad loser, impatient, stupid, idiotic, arrogant and conceited. His relish for the limelight and general disrespect for everything and total lack of social consciousness make the situation worse. He is extremely self-opinionated and has absolutely no qualms voicing or carrying out his thoughts and ideas, be it encouraging others to foul during games, cursing Rukawa Kaede's freethrows during matches, etc. But he does not really mind being proven wrong because he easily forgets what he had said earlier and just carry on with what he most recently think is right. Just do not try to tell him that he is inferior to anyone, his ego is too big and memory too good for that. 
          He has a very short attention span, especially for things he is not interested in and is easily distracted, usually by things he finds interesting. But somehow, people do not usually hate or even dislike him. They can be exasperated, irritated beyond expression, disgusted, dumbfounded or even traumatised by him, yet seldom does anyone detest him outright. 
          Sakuragi has his own logic which is very weird and seems logical only to himself (Editor: Sounds like someone I know.) because it is based on certain facts that only he subscribes to. Like Kiyota Nobunaga, he possesses a self-centredness and hot-bloodedness which gives him a childish cast despite his size. He is an idiot but is a very passionate one. 
          Although he is rather rough with his friends, his loyalty and fierce protectiveness are clearly observable. And, I do not know if this helps in his popularity rating, he can be rather shy with girls. Finally, despite everything, he does make you laugh.

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