Mito Yohei . . .

           is a hooligan to his bones. He is experienced in worldly matters and is streetwise enough to know when to play the fool and when to start the ‘party’. He possesses a cruel and violent streak. With his physical strength and agility, this latter trait gives him a dangerous air. But like most hooligans, he is generally aimless and unambitious in life. 
          It may seem rather strange that the Sakuragi Gundan is lead by Sakuragi Hanamichi instead of Mito, considering that the latter is proud to the extent of being vain and rightfully confident. But the actual leadership lies with Mito and he does not seem to mind being the ‘Number Two’ in the gang. 
          For a guy in ‘Slam Dunk’, Mito is a rare specimen who is sensitive, perceptive and intelligent. He is mature in his own way, sensible and has great self-control which makes one wonder why and how he became a gangster. Fell in with bad company? 
          I do not know if it is mere coincidence but the only two true and strong friendships in 'Slam Dunk’ involve gangsters. One is between Mitsui Hisashi and Hotsuta Norio and the other between Sakuragi Hanamichi and Mito Yohei. And in both cases, the latter party seems to be the one giving the unconditional support characteristic of strong friendships. 
          Mito is a great companion. His fun-loving nature and broad sense of humour guarantees exciting if not interesting times. And his fierce loyalty and keen understanding makes him a first class confidante.

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