Sendoh Akira

          If anyone in 'Slam Dunk' can be considered suave, he must be Sendoh Akira. But he fits the 'smooth' bill more than the 'gracious' bill and his claim is based more on his easygoing demeanour. Whichever way it is, Sendoh probably does not care. 
 He is a delightful character. You may even say he is appealing. (Editor: Those were my sister's comments.) He is cool, friendly, jovial, receptive and casual. His lack of time consciousness is probably a side-product of his overtly relaxed attitude. 
          Sendoh is intelligent. That is very obvious in 'Slam Dunk'. And it is usually perceived as the lazy intelligence type. But if you look closer, his intelligence is very keen and is enhance by his acute perceptiveness. In fact, you can say he is coldly sensible. 
         Contrary to his carefree air, Sendoh is a very proud and ambitious person. His excellent self-control enables him to put up an unconcerned facade. He is one of the most self-possessed characters in 'Slam Dunk'. He might not half as pleasant a person if he drops this facade. 
          Sendoh's personality is rather complex. Besides the conflicting inner and outward selves, he is naturally inquisitive. This almost rodent-like inquisitiveness sometimes descends into nosiness.

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