Koshino Hiroaki . . .

          is not a likeable person. He can be rather unfriendly and even hostile and seems to be usually sullen and ill-humoured. He is very proactive to things he dislikes or disapproves of and they are many and frequent. 
          Koshino is a very rigid conformist. Together with his self-righteousness, he seems a small-minded moral bigot. He does not tolerate nonsense from others and abhors people who do not do things the 'accepted' way. Furthermore, he has absolutely no qualms about voicing his displeasure which makes him appear snappish. 
          But Koshino gets along very well with his teammates. He is diligent, hardworking and meticulous in whatever he does. Being proper, he does not offend too many people. His team spirit is very strong and his stubborn will to win make him a great asset and a well-respected player.

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