Fukuda Kiccho . . .

          is not half as unpleasant as he looks. Look at how supportive of him his teammates are and the trust they have in him. Obviously, he gets along very well with them. 
          He is a very hardworking person and is one who perseveres towards his dreams despite obstacles. Although he is a bad loser, he is not afraid of challenging the odds, and in fact, seems to like such challenges. Of course, this maybe due to his arrogance. On the other hand, Fukuda does not do things he dislikes. He tolerates circumstances and other people to achieve his aims but he does not try to change them. This can lead to one explosive retort which spoils everything. 
          He does not take things lying on most issues. He is bold and arrogant enough to voice his displeasure and does as he deem fit. In all, he is a very spirited person, although few people notice. This probably has a lot to do with his lack of expression. 
          Fukuda is not a solitary animal. He is the type who needs people around to interact with. His self-worth depends very much on the opinions of others. This is a rather sharp contrast to his cocky arrogance.

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