Original Suppliments | |
An Explanation of sound in space | original |
New Star Ship equipment | original |
Martial Arts | original |
Altered Supliments | |
S-Foil Rules | by Charles Mcniel |
Dual Bladed Light Sabers | from Kevin Doles original, modified in regards to damage [prequel pics!] |
Power Control | modified from The Far Orbit Project a Pirates & Privateers Supplement |
Ship Location Targeting | modified from The Far Orbit Project a Pirates & Privateers Supplement |
Advantages and Disadvantages | The original was designed by: Mark Hudson, modified to fit my game |
Skill list | differs from the one on the resource pool,
and others found else where on the net. Modified for our campaign |
Alternate Droid Design Rules | by: Casey McGirt mcgirt@anet-dfw.com |