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From January to April, Aaron attended a community college and transferred his classes to BYU in order to graduate in Spanish with a minor in International Relations. We even got to go back to Provo to see Aaron walk across the stage for his diploma. He got to take some general education classes, but best of all he was certified in scuba diving for college credit. However, this fall reality set in for Aaron. He started SMU law school in September and has been living in the library ever since. Aaron truly loves studying law, which makes it worthwhile.

Holli also stayed pretty busy at Price Waterhouse during the spring. She got to audit a few really good clients: Mary Kay and the Fastsigns franchise. Although, the hours were long, one piece of good news made it all ok - she passed the CPA exam!

The Summer months, were relaxing. Holli's sister Shauna got married in Florida, so we went to the beach for a few days and snorkeled in the Gulf of Mexico. We decided not to go to Disney World on this trip because we were there last Christmas. Aaron also got to chaperone the YM high adventure trip to South Padre Island. He had a great time. The summer also provided Aaron the opportunity of a lifetime to play Joseph Smith in My Servant Joseph, a dramatic and musical presentation of the prophet's life. He did a great job singing and acting. In between Holli being out of town on business trips, we also moved near SMU campus. The biggest test of our school loyalty was when BYU came down to play SMU. For this year at least, Aaron was on the BYU side.

We have been very busy with church activities. At the beginning of the year Holli was a CTR 8 primary teacher, but now she is the Primary secretary. Aaron is still the ward clerk. We also got called to the most exciting calling ever - Dallas Temple Ordinance Workers. The Dallas temple is only 10 minutes away from our house. It is the best feeling to spend our Friday evenings in the house of the Lord.

We are spending this Christmas with both of our families. Three weeks will give us the chance to drive to Provo and spend a few days with our BYU friends. Next, on to Idaho for a week with Aaron's family, and then to a cabin in the Cascades of Washington with Holli's family for a week. You will all hopefully get to see Aaron's new braces. He looks like a 14 year-old. But he only has to wear them for four months, so he will survive the pain.

Life is wonderful down here in Texas. We are in a great ward and have found many good friends which we consider family since we don't have any nearby (Holli's mom moved to Ohio.) We are enjoying work, school, and our church service. One thing that is great about this year compared to last year, is that we know where we will be for the next three years. We hope to see all of you more often next year.