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Just when you thought life could not get any busier – a baby comes along.  Hailey Genevieve Turner was by far the most important thing that happened to us this year.   She was born on August 14th, at 12:06 in the morning, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ounces and was 20 ˝ inches long.  Hailey is growing so fast, she can roll over now, smile, and laugh if she is tired enough.  She loves to bounce and stand – she is very curious – that is partly why she does not sleep much.  We blessed her in September and Grandma Beth and Grandpa Bob, Granny, Grandma Turner, and Uncles Layne, Zachary, and Tran came to Dallas to visit.  Although it was hot and humid, we had a great time.  Hailey looks just like Aaron.  Holli is hoping she will start to look more like her – she deserves it after carrying her for 9 months.  Luckily Holli had a very easy pregnancy though.  She never got sick, but she sure milked it for all she could.  Aaron got very good at giving foot and back massages.  She worked up until her due date – Hailey showed up four days later.  Holli is no longer working and is enjoying being a stay at home Mom.  Her mom moved back to Texas from Ohio and only lives an hour away so Holli and Hailey have been hanging out there a lot.  Aaron wants to teach Hailey Spanish, so Holli took some classes at SMU this summer. 

Meanwhile, Aaron has been enjoying law school as much as can be expected.  He is in the top 25% of his class.  He will graduate in May of 2000.  During the summer he clerked at Vinson & Elkins downtown and had a great time.  Next summer he will clerk there for half the summer and at Baker & McKenzie for the second half.  We had a great time recruiting for these jobs, we even got to spend a weekend at the Four Seasons Hotel in town and got pampered with whatever we wanted. 

In trying to get our food storage together, Aaron found a new love.  We started our own business – “Lone Star Emergency Preparedness” – which sells dehydrated food in #10 cans and solar and water filter systems.  This is what takes up most of our free time.  Although it is exciting, it sure is a lot of work.  Check us out at www.lsep.com. 

We have been very busy with church activities. Holli is the secretary in the Primary, and Aaron was called to the first counselor in the Elder’s Quorum.  We were Dallas Temple Ordinance Workers for most of the year, but with a little one around the house, we are no longer able to do that.

We are spending this Christmas with both of our families.  Washington will be our first destination with Holli’s family, and then on Christmas day we are headed to Idaho Falls.  Hailey will love all the attention, and we are sure all the family will too.  Hopefully we will get to see you all for Christmas, and hope you all have a great holiday season.  We love you and wish you well.