This site provides a listing of all our elected officials.
Also provides e-mail, snail mail, phone numbers and committee memberships
of your delegates. This same site also provides links to your State
This site lists the 105th Congress and is better than ever. Be sure to check
out the "Citizen
Direct" secured mailboxes for corresponding with your
elected officials.
A very neat way to identify your congress person. Works
with your zip code. If more than one congress person shares your zip code,
it will ask for your zip + 4 zip code. Appears to be very
Everything you always wanted to know about the legislative
process, rules, committees, calendars, etc. Also has a link to the Thomas
Legislative Search Engine.
The MMA is the voice of cities and towns in Massachusetts.
It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that provides advocacy, research
and other services to Massachusetts cities and towns