at the Lycée Pasteur start learning English in 6ème. They take it
as first foreign language (LV1) although, in fact, Portuguese or French in primary
school may ,in some cases, be their first foreign language as the Lycée
is a bilingual school.
EFL books and teaching are based on the French programs and prepare the students
for the baccalauréat - exam at the end of high school. At the collège
(middle school) we are using The New Apple Pie
up to the 4èmes, Spring in 3èmes
while at the lycée (high school) our choice has been Looking
Forward. The 1èreL/ES are doing a TPE on the themes: Exchanges and
Break or Continuity.
We have a tape recorder,
a tv and video equipment in each classroom, which allows us to use extra audiovisual
material such as films, sketches, dialogues and songs. Every year, new readers,
CDs and videos are bought for various levels. Check them in the library (CDI).
The latest purchase was a series of graded readers, protest songs and the film
1997 , the English Department has been working actively on the web, producing
and updating this site, developing and participating in several
projects, among which,a trip to the USA with 43 students documented live on
a site, correspondence and cultural exchange with different schools around the
world, a newspaper and interdisciplinary research. Through the English Department,
the Lycée has become homebase for This
is Our Time Project, an annual, global telecommunications
project for secondary schools initiated for the UNESCO Associated Schools Project
(ASPnet). We also worked with Phil Benz from the Académie de Grenoble in
the Viva Project. Our contributions online were The
Copabacana Club and The Copabacana
Restaurant WebQuest. In 2002/2003/2004 , we participated the Spring
in Europe Event and this year we are working in the Cartable
Electronique WKTO.
Three teachers are responsible for the department: Maryse
Carvas, Barbara Dieu and Haydée
de Oliveira and some of their material is also published online in the exercise
the links from this page, students and parents may consult homework/classroom
schedule (constantly updated) as well as view the various activities
which were or are being developed. 12th grade students (Terminales L,
ES and S) also have a list of BACkground
reading material suggested for the preparation of their oral/written
In the Extra Links menu list you will find all the French official programmes
for Middle and High School and pages with links to European, French and Brazilian
sites of educational or pedagogical interest.
would appreciate your help in making this page as interactive as possible, sharing
your ideas and links and giving us your suggestions.