This story of Britain destroyed by a nuclear strike is unique in that it is presented in 'drama-documentary' style.
Unlike The War Game, there is neither narration nor statistical inserts.
The ordinary characters caught
up in the holocaust illustrate the
fate of the nation. It all starts out traditionally enough with a thriving city(Sheffield) being targeted by nuclear
missiles, and the panic which ensues when the blast hits. There afterthings take on a grim realism never before portrayed
in similar scenarios.There is no hopeful ending to the story told here. No heros or New Dawns. Simply a slow, grinding
breakdown into horror, deprivation and savagery.
Written during the final feverish years of the 'Cold War' when 'Rocket Ronnie' Reagan oversaw the proliferation
of sinister new nuclear weapons, THREADS illustrated what many feared could easily happen at any moment. Thankfully
it didn't, and it is to be hoped that THREADS acted as a warning which swayed public opinion away from missile-rattling
in the world.
(IRT considers THREADS unsuitable for anyone other than the strongest mentally constituted viewer.
No bad language and no significant sexual sequences.)