Keeper of Infinite Earths - Liberty Squad
Created by Bob Justice
Sim the Gillman
Alter Ego: None
Occupation: Member of Liberty Squad / Ambassador
Known Relatives: Unknown
Group Affiliation: Liberty Squad
Base of Operations: New York, NY
The Quince A Quail, ancient race of amphibious creatures, had salvaged many items from shipwrecks and such over the years and had gained a fair amount of knowledge of the surface world from them. They had a decent grasp of English from listening to radio broadcasts and from books. Having been enslaved for centuries by the Merpeople had left them very distrustful of any outsiders, but they had become curious about the surface world. Now that World War 2 was over, perhaps they could send an ambassador up to see for himself. The race, in general, was not terribly adventurous, but Sim was quite outgoing. He would swim out farther and deeper than anyone else would and usually farther than he should. When he heard about the notion, it struck him as a great adventure and he begged to be chosen. The Elders were not convinced that the rambunctious Gillman was the best example of their people, but no one else really wanted to do it, so they allowed him to be the one. He arrived at the Pearl Harbor Naval Base with a white flag in hand, just in case. The Naval officers had no idea what to make of him, so they asked him to wait for a government official to fly in from a stockade cell. The official arrived and realized how important this could be to the new world that was forming following WW 2, so he apologized and had Sim brought to Washington and eventually he was introduced to the League of Nations. While he was being interviewed there, the evil agents of Ravenshadow attacked the League. Sim battled valiantly, but was about to be overwhelmed when All American and Canuck arrived. The agents were no match for the three heroes. All American realized one or two heroes alone could never beat this new threat to world peace, a group of agents with no nation behind them able to attack from the shadows and disappear back into them. He and Canuck asked Sim to join them as he put together a new team, the Liberty Squad, that would combine some of the older heroes still active from the ‘40’s with some of the new, beginning heroes. Sim accepted and became a hero both to the surface world and to his people undersea. By the time the Liberty Squad decided to disband, Sim was getting homesick, so he asked the Elders if he could return. They welcomed him back and he retired quietly and passed away as an Elder himself.
Being very friendly and inquisitive, unlike the majority of his people, Sim was just happy to see new things and experience life like no other of his race had before. He took on the responsibility of being a hero and an Elder very easily and acquitted himself nobly at both.
Quote: "If you’re trying to tickle me move a little to the left. If you’re trying to kill me, give up."