Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Knights of Freedom

Created by Matt Parmenter

Alter Ego:
John Doe
Occupation: Adventurer
Known Relatives: None
Group Affiliation: The Knights of Freedom
Base of Operations: The Freedom Tower, Washington, DC

Rex Armstrong the all-star pitcher, Guy LeBeque the all-star hockey center, and Gale Masters the all-star quarterback were put together for a US War Bond tour touring the country. A Nazi sympathizer infiltrated the airport in NYC and sabotaged the fuel gauge and fuel line on their plane. Not quite an hour after takeoff the plane’s leaking fuel ignited from a spark and the plane became a fiery comet falling to earth. Far below the doomed plane stood Dan Kelly, once a collegiate all-American himself, staring across the bay. He stood on the edge of a bridge, leaning on the safety rail from the wrong side. A fluke injury had destroyed his chance at professional sports, the depression had wiped out his funds, and he was left with nothing but booze to wipe away his memories. He was sober today and tired of life. He wanted a sign that he should just end it all and, as he formed that thought, the airplane exploded high above him. He decided that the roar of thunder and a falling star were sufficient omens and he leaped from the bridge. Requiem was not far from the area when the plane exploded and he felt the call from the souls that had just passed for vengeance. As he flew to the scene, he saw a body floating in the bay, the still living body of Dan Kelly. He scooped him out of the water, but there was nothing he could do for him. His tortured soul had moved on. The cries of the three all-stars gave him an idea. He doubted it would be possible, but perhaps the three of them could share the empty shell and finish their earthly business. No one knows why it worked and Requiem certainly never attempted it again, but the three souls entered the body and became as one. The combined form gained the abilities of all three athletes and Requiem used his abilities to heal the damage that Dan had done to himself over the years. After the two heroes hunted down the Nazi bund that had masterminded the sabotage and the mechanic who actually did the deed, the mystery man known only as All-star gained quite a reputation fighting crime and making public appearances for charity and so on. He was asked to join the Knights of Freedom and heartily accepted, after all, he had always been a team player. In the last furious battle of the War, he sacrificed his earthly existence to gain a final measure of vengeance and to ensure the final defeat of the Nazis who had engineered their deaths in the first place. When that battle was won, the three All-stars went to their final rest.

Seemingly combining the best attributes of the three fallen stars, All-star used his new lease on life to make up for any time they had wasted and for any wrong they may have done. He loved to teach sports and to use his abilities to inspire others to perform well and to love their country.

Quote: "I love a good sport."

 Champions Character Sheet