Keeper of Infinite Earths - Lords of Liberty
Created by Matt Parmenter
Frantic Blue
Alter Ego: Jack Kimberly
Occupation: Adventurer
Known Relatives: Monica Kimberly (wife), Jack Kimberly Jr. (son)
Group Affiliation: Lords Of Liberty
Base of Operations: St. Louis
Jack was nearing thirty with a wife who wanted him to settle down and raise a family. He was torn between his love for his wife and his love of adventure. The story of a long lost mystical city in Tibet became his salvation. If it was there, he'd be able to make a discovery that would set his family up for a lifetime. If it were a pipe dream, he could take it as an omen that it was time to grow up. He scaled the mountain, but he never found the mystical city. What he did find was that his luck had apparently run out, an avalanche came crashing down at him. When he awoke, he was in a temple with an order of monks who had found him and tended his wounds. He felt better than ever, as a matter of fact. They were treating him like a very important person and he finally found one who spoke enough English to explain why. They had lived under a prophesy that a great evil was going to threaten the world and that an outsider would be delivered to them. The outsider was to be prepared to fight the evil with the gifts of great agility and stamina and that they had prepared him according to the prophet's wishes. Once he returned from whence he came, his path would become clear. Jack noticed that he was bald and assumed the monks had shaved his head in the manner that they lived. Once he got outside in the light of day, he realized his skin had turned blue. They told him it was a sign of blessing and bid him well in the fulfillment of his destiny. He turned to wave farewell and the temple had vanished in the snow. When he opened his pack, he discovered two bladed shields with wrist straps apparently left as a final gift. He returned to America, just as Hitler was gaining power in Germany. He sensed that the Nazis were the evil he was intended to fight, he trained dilligently to master his new abilities, and joined All American in the Lords of Liberty.
Jack was always in search of adventure and excitement. Torn between his selfish need for danger and his desire to please his wife and raise a family, the monks made his life altering decision for him. Making the purpose of his life defending the world against great evil did not affect his jovial, happy-go-lucky demeanor anymore than losing his hair and turning blue did. He did have to do a lot of explaining to his wife.
Quote: "I’m ready to leap into action at anytime!"