Keeper of Infinite Earths - Freedom Brigade

Created by Bob Justice

Alter Ego:
Brad Kinkade
Occupation: Pilot/Aircraft Engineer
Known Relatives: Charles and Mary Kinkade, parents, Ellen Kinkade, sister
Group Affiliation: Freedom Brigade
Base of Operations: Los Angeles, CA

As a child, Brad always knew he could fly. All he ever wanted to do was fly. His entire life was full of model planes and birds. He studied the various super-heroes who could fly, especially Bullet Boy. Much of his free time was spent attempting to duplicate Bullet Boy’s flight suit, but the exact details of Dr. Solomon’s work eluded him. He had all the old photos and various drawings, but he couldn’t make a practicle working model. Then, while searching for any memorabilia on Bullet Boy, he stumbled across an old German artifact dealer who specialized in WW 2. He enquired as to any Nazi documents that the gentleman might have regarding his hero. He hit the jackpot. The dealer had a file dating back to before Braun defected, a file full of notes, theories, and pictures of Bullet Boy. He spent every penny he had buying the file and the dealer gave him as a bonus another file of super-heroic related Nazi research. "Useless poppycock" he called it. Brad plowed through the documents and carefully studied the theories comparing theirs to his. Slowly, he began to see potential. He worked multiple jobs and hocked everything he could to build his updated version of the suit. Finally, he completed all the computer model tests and built the prototype suit. The computer said it could not fly. It failed every single test. The suit had plenty of protection, state of the art sensory equipment, propulsion to spare, but no way to lift that weight into the air. But Bullet Boy flew. So, he tried it. He would use sheer force of will, if nothing else. The jets fired, he shot across the ground like he was a bowling ball. He dusted himself off and prepared to try again. He could not jump very well, weighted down as he was. So, he leaped out of a second story window and fired the jets. It could not possibly work and he knew it. At that moment, nothing else mattered to him and, if he broke his fool neck, so be it. The world slipped into slow motion, he hung in the air for a moment, the jets holding him aloft, he gave it more power, he felt himself start to drop, every fiber of his being strained upward, and, against all logic and scientific principle, he shot up into the sky. He knew at that moment that he was destined to follow in his hero’s footsteps. In the extra file he had acquired, there was a workout routine with various chemical supplements. The Nazis had been trying to come up with something to counter America’s superheroes and had had no time to implement it. He tried it and grew stronger which aided him in controling his flight. His speed and dexterity improved, as well. He was in excellent shape originally and this process simply maximized his condition. A skinny kid could probably turn into quite a physical specimen this way, but an already fit young man became almost super-human. He traveled around since he was used to living on a small budget, eventually ending up in New York and spent some time with the Protectors. He decided he liked warmer weather than NYC and opted to go to the Freedom Brigade where he upholds the legacy of his hero by flying in the name of justice.

Brad is almost frighteningly driven to succeed. He was willing to risk his life to fly and he approaches his tasks with the Freedom Brigade the same way. His whole life was wrapped around flying and now, it revolves around being an old-fashioned hero, always aware of his responsibility to be a good example to the children, like his hero was.

Quote: "Don’t try to flee, you can’t out-fly justice!"

Champions Character Sheet