Keeper of Infinite Earths - The Protectors

Created by Bob Justice


Alter Ego: Elliot Raymond Bradbury 
Occupation: Extra Sensory Perception Researcher/Lecturer
Known Relatives: Ray & Jean Bradbury-parents
Base of Operations: Mobile, Protectors HQ

Elliot was a very bright youngster which was to be expected. His father was a respected lawyer and his mother a noted psychologist. He was very much the progidy at an early age, reading and writing at high school level by 1st grade. Shortly after the point that children began to react negatively to his intellect, he seemed to lose interest in advancing his studies quickly. He always seemed to know what people wanted even before they told him. As he grew older, he realized he was doing something different than his peers and discovered that he could sense their thoughts and emotions. He studied psychic research and began to piece together how his abilities worked and what he could do with them. When his father decided to leave his law career due to corruption and the injustice of the system, Elliot was inspired. Using his powers, he could enact true justice, not just arrests and hope for due process. By reading minds and using telekinesis, he began to "raid" illegal gambling dens and build a small fortune to finance his efforts. As his powers increased, control became more difficult and, with the help of Dr. Whyte, he devised a helmet to filter and to focus his abilities. He stumbled over an inventor trying to perfect a jet pack that would never be safe for anyone normal, but, by using his telekenetics, it would be a great mode of transport for a super-hero. Combining his original design with a crash helmet, he created a very simple costume and became known as Esper. As the years passed, he gained control over his powers and the helmet became just a crash helmet. He joined the Protectors and gained the respect of his peers becoming the Deputy Leader of the team.

Esper is very subdued usually letting others speak except when he has to step in. He is painfully aware of the fear and distrust his powers evoke in people and keeps a relatively low profile. Due to the empathetic nature of his powers, he is completely dedicated to protecting innocents and defending the freedom of everyone. He has a serious problem with those who wantonly harm or kill and has used his abilities to punish criminals who have otherwise evaded the law, for example, mind controlling a serial child molester who got off on a technicality to feel the pain, anguish, and shame of his young victims every time he closed his eyes until he confessed. His determination to strive for justice stems in part from the hopelessness he felt when his father became disillusioned with the system and his mother's desire to help people in need.

Quote: “I think, therefore you lose."

Champions Character Sheet