Fanart: Marron

The Fushigi Yuugi Monthly Anime Display
fanart piece

Quick! Give me a rundown of your drawing materials:
Photoshop, sometimes paper and pencil

Why do you draw (FY) fanart?
Because I get bored, and I havenothing better to do. Hehe! I know that sounds stupid.. I only started drawing PERIOD back in November of last year, so I don't draw good yet. I just draw to pass idle time, or because I wish I could improve, but I can't :B

What's your favorite FY subject (person or otherwise) you like to draw?
This one's easy. *grin* Chichiri or Nakago.

When you draw, do you go for the more traditional settings (Konan) or the OT ones (modern world)?
Hehe! I like to draw... with the sky as the background! 9.9* Although, I have drawn some pictures located in places that would seem to be Konan-koku. I think my most detailed drawing had a bridge, and a lake, with Taikyoku-zan.

Do you believe in self inserts (drawing yourself into the pic)?
actually, I think people do that for me more than I do it myself! ^,^* I did draw a small doujinshi about Nakago Bedsheets, featuring Seimei. Does that count? ^^;

Do you try to adhere to Yuu Watase's style or the anime style?
I've found that Yuu-sensei's style of drawing is easiest for me to mimic. The eyes of my drawings turn out a bit different, though.

They say a picture speaks a thousand words. Do your pictures speak words or tell stories? ^_^ (words, as in ideas or concepts. Stories as in ... stories @_@;;)
When I draw, I think about how beautiful the story the art comes from is. Fushigi Yuugi is a beautiful story, and when I draw the characters, I try to convey the beauty of the story and the characters within the story. I want to share these feelings with the people that see my art. I also want to share the talent of other artists with the FY community. That's why I opened the FY M-FAD. So that people can see just how many people love FY, and everyone can share the beauty of this tale.

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