Fanart Feature
by confuzcius

Welcome to the Fanart Feature, hosted by "The Quill" and written by confuzcius. Each month, a piece of Fushigi Yuugi fanart will the focus of this article. Please keep in mind that this is not an evaluation of the fanart, but an opinion about what is striking about the fanart.

If you would like to do a Fanart feature for a month, check out the Submissions' Page, pick a fanart, contact the artist, and write the article. I'd love to get out of writing this section every month because I'm already HTMLing and setting up the 'zine (I'm lazy too, but that's beside the point) and because fresh opinions and ideas are always wanted. So get those articles in!

Onto the feature.


This month's feature is not on one piece of art, but on the fanartists themselves!

A short questionnare was sent out to people who were willing to answer the questions and the answers are posted here. ^_^

Many thanks to those who responded!

Karen Leonard



Ryuuen no Miko


Wandering Mage Chichiri
