
                                                                                            Player: Lord Enrich


Type: Higher Demon/Mage
Apparent Age:
Age: Unknown
Weight: Variable
Height: Variable
Marital Status: N/A
Extremely muscular, the large horned helmet hides most facial features except for piercing red colored eyes. A human bone necklace adorns his neck and blackened steel armor protects his upper torso. A black shredded cloak of str
etched human skin is wrapped around his waist topped with a heavy gold color metal belt with a partial human skull attached to the front. The muscular legs are bare except for tall heavy steel plated boots. His weapon of choice is a heavy battle axe coated with dried blood with a long handle attached.




Most recorded history of Enrich has been destroyed. It is rumored that he lived during the fifth and sixth century in a remote part of the world. He was a high priest then, who believed only human sacrifice pleased the Gods and displayed true devotion. Folk lore’s speak of the spirits of the people Enrich had murdered eventually banded together for revenge upon the man who inflicted such misery upon them. The results of the revenge are unknown. Although it is rumored that Enrich is cursed to forever ride the earth upon his phantom black horse with endless misery seeking to destroy all mankind.

It is often thought that Enrich himself is the "Dark One." But it’s possible that he is only one of the many minions of the "Dark One" who work to bring a reign of terror against the inhabitants of the world. The truth may never be known.