PC 'Dark One' Characters        

(Note: If you would like to play a nemesis-like Character, please clear it with the GMs first!)    

There are some out there, watching us, waiting until the right moment to claim
the thing that is most precious to us...
our lives.

Then...there are those, cursed
 with the Darkness, yet....
want to be close to the light...



Name Alignment Species
Rebecca Evil Vampire
Elimi Evil Unseeleigh Fae (Dark Elf)
Labatiel Evil Inferno Demon
D'Anarys Evil Unseeleigh Fae (Dark Sidhe)
Declan Gariden Good Vampire "Blessed"
Emily Evil Daemon
Leliel Evil Dark Angel
Grosvenor Evil Human/Priest
Enrich Evil Demon
Bloody Bones Evil Fairy/Redcap

*Click on the name to learn more about that Dark One*