- Troubleshooting Checklist 01
- Startup Problem Checklist
- 1 - Corrupted Boot Blocks (Use your favorite hard
disk utility to install new drivers)
- 2 - Corrupted System File (Reinstall the
- 3 - Corrupted Finder File (Reinstall the
- 4 - Problematic SCSI Chain (Double check your
cabling and termination, check it internally, if
- 5 Faulty or incorrectly installed memory
chips (Reseat, rotate, or replace the modules)
- 6 Faulty or incorrectly installed expansion
cards (Reseat or replace the board)
- 7 Physically damaged hard drive (Swap it out
if you choose or use command-option-shift-delete)
- 8 Physically damaged motherboard (check for
resistor-like fuses with markings such as F1 or
- 9 Physically damaged power supply (sometimes
there is a fuse hidden inside)
- 10 For a Macintosh that boots and displays a
"Sad Mac" immediately, the problem is probably caused
by either faulty hardware, corrupted boot blocks or
corrupted system files.