Click the link below to hear Arnold Murray instruct his 'people' to... 

"... take this 9mm  to that boy...!"



   If you have read this far, It's time to make your own decisions about Arnold Murray & the group he leads. I call him a mentor, & have learned much from him, but I think he has definite 'issues', ...but who doesn't ?  

   In truth, whether I agree or not with pastor Murray, if it were not for his method of teaching, and especially for his leading Christians to E.W.Bullinger, I , and many others would never get past the common misconceptions most people encounter while trying to understand Gods love-letter to us, the Bible.

I owe Dr. Murray a great deal of thanks, whether I agree with him or not.


~Added Veterans Day, 11/11/03~ 

Thanks to all our Veterans, to the soldiers of today, and throughout our nations history. To my father, a decorated combat Veteran, U.S. Army, 1941-45, European theater. Also to Pastor Murray, a Veteran and one of the 'Chosin few'.

It's not really Pastor Murray's teachings I have issue with, as no one understands it all, it's more a small handful of the nut-cakes who 'follow' him, who believe that to question &/or disagree with him is an "attack" on him personally, akin to blasphemy. I pray for you most, as you have purposely stopped your scriptural understanding at some other mans level, and you cannot even see this fact. Sad. Be thankful for teachers like Pastor Murray yes!, learn from them, but strive to learn past them, and learn to think for yourselves as well. 

Yes, I know that there is an equal bunch of nut-cakes who do attack him personally, most without any real clue of what he actually teaches. By their own words they show their ignorance. 

To both camps, get a grip people! Wake-up & smell the coffee! 


In blessings be blessed,


My preferred study group is the
 Philadelphia Church of God,
( but I urge caution with some of their claims as well.)

The Trumpet


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