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Just Because I Can...
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Diary of a Paranormal Investigator
Tuesday, 2 December 2003
I'm on a rant!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Rants
Scenario: You suspect your home is haunted, your entire family is frightened, you research hauntings on the Internet, you find a group that seems to know what they're talking about, and you contact them. They get back with you, they seem reasonable enough, and so you set up an appointment for an investigation. Investigation day arrives, and you spend your time cleaning and making your home presentable. You wonder if you should serve refreshments, but you aren't sure of the protocol for paranormal investigations. Then there's a knock at the door. You open the door to your home to find 30 strangers with cameras, tape recorders and a few things you can't identify.

Question: What do you do?

Answer: You ask them to leave and you look for another group to assist you with your possible haunting.

If you believe you're sharing your home with a spirit, then you're possibly feeling vulnerable, confused, frightened, etc. You have enough going on without having 20 or 30 strangers show up at your door expecting to traipse through your clean home poking into your closets and private areas.

So what do you expect from a paranormal investigation group?

1. They tell you EXACTLY the number of investigators that will be in attendance, and this number should NEVER be more than 5 or 6.
2. They tell you about the equipment they'll be bringing, how it will be set up, how it works, etc.
3. They tell you what to expect from the investigation -- duration, procedures, etc.
4. At the investigation's conclusion, they give you a preliminary report and then tell you when to expect YOUR copy of the final report.

And that's the least you can expect. There's much more, but I'll rant about that later.


Posted by tn_ghost at 4:40 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 December 2003 11:35 AM CST
Monday, 1 December 2003
A New Beginning
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Just Because I Can...
As a new month begins so does this blog. While I don't expect to post on a daily basis, I do expect to use this forum to discuss (rant/rave about) current issues surrounding Paranormal Investigation, as well as other topics I deem pertinent to the subject.

I've been interested in the paranormal for as long as I have memories because I've been having paranormal experiences for that amount of time. Once I finally figured out that I wasn't crazy and there was something to all of this, I decided to start investigating. After all, I'm a Gemini, and there are two facets to my personality. On the one side, I'm a firm believer in the the paranormal, the mystical, the "new age." The mind is capable of so much we've yet to understand.

But then that other side kicks in, and I start to look for the reasons why. I find myself having that little back and forth conversation in my mind that goes along the lines of, "Wow! I can't believe that just happened!" "That couldn't have happened. There must be a logical, scientific explanation." "But I saw it. I FELT it!" "But science says..." And it goes on and on.

I do feel that everyone is born with some sort of "psychic" ability. However, we condition our children to doubt it, squash it, overpower it, not trust it, etc. Children tell us of playmates only they can see and hear. We tell them they have overactive imaginations and need to be more mature. We laugh it off, but should we?

I know that my parents taught me those people only I could see were the product of my own mind and didn't truly exist. When I foretold of upcoming events it was written off to coincidence and I was told to quit being silly. Only God was capable of doing such things, and I wasn't God.

So I spent the majority of my formative years squashing a natural ability. I have found that it's not as easy to develop if you wait until you're 30 to give it a try. I don't see the "imaginary" people I once did, but I am aware of their presence, and sometimes, when I'm lucky, I can communicate with them.

That's why I'm a Paranormal Investigator.

Posted by tn_ghost at 11:30 AM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 16 December 2003 11:45 AM CST

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